Donna Knight
Serialised Drabble
Published in
May 7, 2024

I Don’t Want a Cat Sibling

Daily Drabble Word: Resistance

Photo by Erik-Jan Leusink on Unsplash

Princess the cat had been queen of the castle for almost three years. Her dad Brody cuddled and snuggled with her, on her terms of course, and everything was fine. Things changed dramatically when Dad brought home little brother Malcolm.

When introduced a couple days later, Princess showed resistance to the arrangement by hissing and swatting at him. Malcolm was about a year old, wanted to play and be friends. Princess was about five and wanted to be left alone. Two years later, Princess still barely tolerates him, but occasionally plays with him or lets him lay nearby, without objecting.

Donna Knight
Serialised Drabble

US Navy veteran. Animal lover in general; kitty mom for now. Budding writer/ ghostwriter about life, and short stories, fiction/nonfiction--in various genres.