The Cat Rules of People Games

Daily Drabble Word: Domino

Donna Knight
Serialised Drabble
Apr 19, 2024


Photo by 2H Media on Unsplash

Evan and Claire get things set up for their nightly Domino game challenge. Locust and Buster, their 2-year-old kitty furbabies, watch from across the room, with great interest. Whenever their humans are playing games at the dining room table, the kitties come over, and each claim a chair. Locust sits by Claire and Buster by Evan. As the game progresses, the kitties each root for their human, by starting to knock the unused Dominoes of the other parent off the table. Evan and Claire can never finish a game, but they don’t care. The kitties always come first.



Donna Knight
Serialised Drabble

US Navy veteran. Animal lover in general; kitty mom for now. Budding writer/ ghostwriter about life, and short stories, fiction/nonfiction--in various genres.