When The Cat Takes Over The Bed

Daily Drabble Word: Conflict

Donna Knight
Serialised Drabble
Apr 22, 2024


Photo by Jonathan Taylor on Unsplash

Every night was the same conflict for Charlie and his cat Roger. Charlie watched TV in the living room until the 11:00 news was over. Throughout the evening, Roger would wander back and forth from the bedroom, going from the sofa to the recliner Charlie sat in. About halfway through the newscast, Roger headed for the bedroom for the night. By the time Charlie was ready for bed, Roger would be laying across both pillows, all four paws outstretched, stiff as a board. It always took Charlie about 5 minutes to get Roger to move when he assumed that position.



Donna Knight
Serialised Drabble

US Navy veteran. Animal lover in general; kitty mom for now. Budding writer/ ghostwriter about life, and short stories, fiction/nonfiction--in various genres.