When Your Cat Celebrates 420 With You

Daily Drabble Word: Express

Donna Knight
Serialised Drabble
Apr 20, 2024


Photo by Dino Januarsa on Unsplash

Teddy and Renee had woken up on 4/20, looking forward to the unofficial day of celebration for pot smokers. They had smoked pot for several years, and their 4-year-old tiger cat Precious, always looked forward to celebrating as well. She loved to have the pot smoke blown at her face, nice and slow, for a great contact high. In the last few months, Renee was having health issues, so she and Teddy both started doing edibles instead. Precious immediately expressed her displeasure, since this meant she couldn’t get a nice buzz anymore. She grudgingly settled for large servings of catnip.




Donna Knight
Serialised Drabble

US Navy veteran. Animal lover in general; kitty mom for now. Budding writer/ ghostwriter about life, and short stories, fiction/nonfiction--in various genres.