A Year in the Fulbright Life: Hossiny’s Story

For the next year, Fulbright MENA will be showcasing a handful of students as they study in the United States with their new series, A Year in the Fulbright Life. Each month, spotlighted students will share an update as they continue on their Fulbright journey.

July and August 2018

Saying goodbye to my friends and family has been tough, knowing that the people I am always around won’t be here for months isn’t easy at all. But the support I took from them and the dreams I have change the look on that moment and makes you feel more proud and grateful.

Meeting other Fulbrighters at my Gateway Orientation and meeting more than 30 nationalities made me realize that what we have in common is much more than our differences. They really were a remarkable three days.

Settling into a new place is never an easy task. But the more friendly people you know and the more fun you have, the less intense this task become. Just have fun and enjoy every moment and those will be remarkable days!

11 min
23 cards

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