Why Companies Die But Cities Don’t.


The irony of Julie’s descent into a city she avoided on most of her trips as a consultant did not escape her.

When the role opened up she realized she was going to have to move even though her founder, Tom, insisted on not disrupting anyone’s life as his startup grew. That very quickly changed once they got funded by some of the top venture capital firms in the world. It was one of the many inconsistencies she started to notice in what Tom said and the actions Tom took as he built this, his first startup. How the company continued to raise more and more money from investors far and wide blew her mind but the opportunity to cash out someday and probably never need to work the rest of her life was enough to keep her at the company. So she stayed. Now she was flying in to start her new role as city manager to fulfill the ever-expanding ambitions of Tom. Tom had good luck. Specifically, the good luck that came with being a pedigreed and privileged male in this skewed world of technology entrepreneurship.

Seyi Fabode
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