21 Productivity Tips You Can Use Now

3 AM, Saturday

I woke up from a restless sleep. My dreams were plagued with work. And my waking moments were filled with worry and stress over the next week to come.

I had been struggling with my work productivity. We were really busy, and I still hadn’t quite gotten a hang of my new position. Even though it had been six months, there were still new things to learn everyday.

And so, I would wake up like this, stressed out about work, on a weekend.

In the dead of night, I began researching. Looking into all the tips and tricks I could find about productivity. It was a frantic struggle to find some relief for my stress, and to create more margin for my priorities.

21 Ways that Make Your More Productive and Create Massive Margin was born.

This post was born. I shared what I learned and why I had picked these 21 tips. Here is the original post.

(Published with Publishous)

7 min
39 cards

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