
Leaflet 1:
A lot happens over a morning tea.

One morning, when you sit on the verandah holding a cup of tea and your eyes stroll through the newspaper columns, you suddenly feel a throb. A lot is going on in your life. You have a job to fill your stomach. But amidst all this life’s business you feel something is missing. You slept quite well last night, though. As soon as you are on the last leaf of your newspaper and you still have your tea left in your cup, you think about it. What may be missing? Something? Someone?

A ghost of emotions just surrounds you. You try so hard to avoid it because you have a “job”. But no, not this time. It doesn’t let you escape. It engulfs you in a shady hazy ambience without any purpose. It is like a blank space with scattered thoughts and some mystic images. You struggle to let it go, as if there is some war contemplating with your own conscience. A sudden rush of cold sentiment invites you to explore more about yourself. It is just like any other door in your life which is trying to lead you somewhere. Are you willing to open that door?

You give it a thought. You definitely want to go for it, because you love going for adventures. But your brain starts working now and you think it’s not worth it. You’ll lose whatever you have right now, without gaining it back. You feel a strong urge for a magical wand to stop the flow of time for just one day. You surely want to live that day just by yourself. You want to climb the mountains of your passion, scream in the valleys of your doubts and flow with the currents of your thoughts.

And that’s when your cell phone buzzes to tell you it’s time to get ready for the “job”, which you may lose because you’re late. The thoughts leave you temporarily. But they will come. The next time you’re sitting somewhere idly with a cup of tea, they will surround you with even more intensity until you figure it out.

Leaflet 2:
An empty evening.

When the lights are a bit dim and you have a soothing soulful melody vibrating your eardrums, that’s a bulging sensation. The soft breeze touching your soul becomes ever smoother. The walk that you’re having is even more relaxing. Even though you have followed the same path before, but today, it’s different: a kind-of-beautiful different. The shredded leaves seem to say something to you which you couldn’t listen before. The sky seems to have some kind of connections that knots you up to it. And the moon is majestically shining with its smiling face saying you’re on it today.

Then you come across the lane you have long forgotten. You frequently pass through it, but today you stop; just to remember the times you spent there. You surrender to the soft chill you’ve been avoiding for long. You just embrace the fact that those were the days worth cherishing, when you had something or someone to hold to. You close your eyes and relive the conversations, the moments.

Then, you decide to walk further and come across the stairs that once upon a time smelt of you. You used to sit there and have meaninglessly meaningful talks. You had your hand held for the first time and you relive the dead conversations one more time in this evening. Another soft chill that you’ve been avoiding runs into you. You walk past that place believing in some self-made theory that “This shall too pass”. But will it? Won’t it haunt you ever again?

The quest remains unattended. But it will come throbbing at you the next time you feel empty. The days may be easy for you right now, but the sentiments you try to avoid frequently will make you absorb them. The harder you try, the deeper they’ll prick. And you’ll never know if they’ll fade or become darker. Yes, the quest is like colours: colours of emptiness!

Jyoti Singh
3 min
3 cards

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