18 in 2018

18 in 2018 — The Plan

2017 was a big year for me. I left my job and embarked on the uncertain and exciting adventure of a portfolio career. And it has been some adventure. When I look back over the past twelve months, I can see that it has been a year of change. So, as I look ahead to 2018 and where I would like to be in another twelve months, the word that keeps coming to mind is growth. 2017 was a year of firsts and trying new things (my first marathon; life without a fixed salary); 2018 is going to be a year of building, growing, improving, and focusing.

I borrowed this idea from the Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast. Rather than just listing lots of things I know I won’t stick to past 4th January, I wanted to put together a set of goals I actually wanted to do next year, that I think are achievable and challenging, and that are going to make my life better in some way. There are a mix of work, personal and professional goals on there and I’m sure I’ll add more as the year goes on.

  1. Run 1,000 miles
  2. Run a half-marathon in 1hr40
  3. Do yoga everyday in January
  4. Eat more plants — go vegan for a month
  5. Eat more healthily — give up sugar for a month
  6. Complete a one-month no-spend challenge
  7. Have a monthly “interesting people” dinner club
  8. Read at least 24 books
  9. Learn to code
  10. Write a draft of a book
  11. Qualify as a yoga teacher
  12. Start saving into a pension again
  13. Do one new thing/go to one new place every month
  14. Do my first GA talk
  15. Run my first coaching workshop
  16. Work with a coaching/portfolio career mastermind group
  17. Write something every day
  18. ????

All that’s left for me to say is HAPPY NEW YEAR! Have a wonderful time, however you’re celebrating. Make 2018 your year.

Progress in January

As part of my own accountability and to hopefully help inspire you to stay on track or get on board with your own goals, I will be posting on my progress every month — starting now! I’m not going to talk about each goal — we’ll be here all day — so I’m just going to pick out the ones I’ve been working on this month.

Because I’m a bit of a geek (and inspired by a reader who told me she was tracking her goals in a GoogleSheet), I’ve been keeping track of all my goals in a spreadsheet. This has been a great way to keep myself accountable and has actually made the process more enjoyable!

This means 20 miles a week or 80 miles over a 4-week period (check me out with the maths in public!). I’ve managed 72 miles since 1st January so slightly off-track, mostly due to illness and a very short-notice trip to Cairo. I hit my target in the first two weeks — I had to be disciplined to make it happen but it also felt completely do-able — so I’m confident I’ll be back on track on soon enough.

With only a couple of days left in January, I can say that I have done this! Some days that has been an hour long asana (posture) practice; other days, that has been a 10-minute meditation practice. I have been deliberately broad about what I counted as a yoga practice, not to cheat the system, but to prevent perfectionism slipping in and tripping me up. I know that just one pose is better than not doing anything, especially having recently read How to be an Imperfectionist and embracing the idea of micro-habits. I’ve really loved this goal, particularly my new evening routine of a few gentle poses, followed by a meditation and then falling asleep to a yoga nidra (a guided yoga relaxation, known as a yoga sleep). I’ll be continuing with this new habit into February and beyond.

This was one of the goals I thought I might find really hard and I have been pleasantly surprised. I’ve discovered some great vegan recipes (try the minimalist baker) and I haven’t missed dairy or eggs at all. Eating out has been hard; I’ve had to do a lot more planning and I have felt bad when that has affected people around me (apologies to my brother-in-law who had to change his plans when I came round for dinner!). It’s been particularly difficult trying to eat on the run — finding vegan options on the high street wasn’t easy, although kudos to the increasing number of chains that are catering for vegans!

The upside of following a vegan diet has been that I have eaten a lot less processed and junk food, although Leon’s vegan billionaire’s shortbread has become something of a favourite! The downside is that I have had to work much harder at simply eating enough, especially with all the running (I know — a nice problem to have). Overall, I think I’ve got to a balanced place with my eating habits.

I don’t plan to continue being strictly vegan after Veganuary is up and that was never my intention. I will eat predominantly vegan at home and be a little more flexible when I’m out and about.

Um, this did not happen. I did have dinner with interesting people but that was not what I was aiming for! The month just kind of slipped by (there has been rather a lot going on) so this is something I want to focus on more in February.

Regular readers of the blog will not be surprised to know that this goal is on track. I read The Geeta translated by Shree Purohit Swami as part of my yoga teacher training. The Geeta (or officially the Bhagavad Gita) means the divine song of god and is thought to have been written in the fourth or fifth century BCE. It is a conversation between the Prince Arjuna and Lord Krishna and is metaphorical exploration of good and bad. It’s not the easiest read without someone to help you pull out the key concepts. We had someone from the School of Economic Science explaining it to us; the School do a number of courses including a free course on practical philosophy which I will be taking in April. The other book I read in January was The Body Keeps the Score — Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk. My interest in psychology and neuroscience keeps growing (I’m even looking at MSc programmes!). I loved this book so much; it’s been influential on my thinking and ideas for The Practical Balance. Van der Kolk explores concepts like resilience, self-awareness and interoception; trauma, for example, literally deactivates the mind’s ability for self-awareness.

So, I actually managed two new things this month, both involving the theatre and the same friend. The first was going to see Julius Caesar performed by the Royal Shakespeare Company at the Barbican Theatre, which was amazing — I have never seen any of Shakespeare’s Roman plays or watched a play at the Barbican. I then had my first immersive theatre experience — A Female Power at the Union Chapel in Islington — which really defies explanation. Suffice to say, I was deeply moved by the experience. I’m not sure I’m an immersive theatre convert but I did enjoy it and learnt a lot about female archetypes and mythologies.

Oh dear, I had actually forgotten about this one! For some reason, it didn’t make my tracker….oh yes, I was going to use 750words.com but then realised I had to pay for it and I got all spendthrift. I have been using my Happiness Planner Law of Attraction journal, which has a series of inspiring questions, as part of my evening routine for most of the month; I stopped about a week ago because that day’s question didn’t resonate and I’ve fallen out of the habit again. Another one to make a priority in February.

I have to say, I am really happy with my progress so far. There are a couple of goals I need to spend more time on and that feels completely fine. I’ve realised the power of tracking my progress and the importance of doing small, daily activities; something is better than nothing, and done is better than perfect. I have become more mindful over the month with my food, my movement and my emotions, which has been particularly useful in a month full of unexpected twists and turns.

So now it’s your turn. Did you set goals for the year? How are you getting on? Do you need to readjust your goals (make them more challenging or more manageable)? How are you keeping yourself accountable? Do you need some support or help? Let me know and let’s keep making 2018 the best year yet!

This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small payment for any products you purchase.

Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

Progress in February

Here are the goals I’ve been working on (or not!) this month.

This month has been pretty good for running, although this late cold snap put a stop to a run this morning — I don’t mind running in sub-zero temperatures (I wear all the clothes) but I drew the line at running in several centimetres of snow this morning. Health and safety, people! So, the total for the last 4 weeks stands at 75.19 miles. I’m still a bit behind where I need to be but I’m confident I can catch up 20 miles over the next 10 months. I’m feeling great — the little niggle I was having with my achilles/calf seems to have cleared up and I’m getting faster so all bodes well for my PB attempt at the Hackney Half in May (another goal for the year).

Argh, fail again! My excuse is that things have been incredibly busy getting The Practical Balance off the ground. I’m going to try for one more month and then I’m going to think about revising this one :( I did, however, finally make it to Trigger Conversations, “an evening of alternative questions with strangers set out as a conversation menu”. I had a really fun and interesting evening (thanks to Steph Slack for suggesting it) and, er, even got a date out of it!

No time for interesting dinners, lots of time for reading apparently! This has been a really good month for reading, both in volume and content. I’ve read 4 books: A Very Short Introduction to Psychology by Gillian Butler and Freda McManus, When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel Pink, Why I Am No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge (this month’s rebel read), Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It by Kamal Ravikant, and Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang. Rest and When have both been influential on my thinking and my own work and rest habits this month. Why I Am No Longer Talking to White People About Race blew my mind and forced me to look at my own feminism — I highly recommend this one! Now, if only I hadn’t added another 10 books to my reading list….

My local mosque opened its doors last weekend as part of the Visit My Mosque initiative.

It was lovely to meet this vibrant group of people in my local community. It reminded me how much of our time we spend in our own bubble, ignorant of the people who live beside us. I walk past this mosque several times a week without really noticing so I was really glad to have a cup of tea and a chat with some of my neighbours.

Oh dear, another one that has not been going well. I know the benefits of journaling on mood and performance but it’s the one part of my morning ritual I just can’t seem to stick to. That said, I did publish my first post for The Practical Balance this week and I’ve been working on The Practical Balance newsletter too so I suppose I have been writing a bit. Just not every day! This is a habit I really want to cultivate so I have set up a little writing space in my bedroom; I already meditate every morning as soon as I wake so I’m going to put aside fifteen minutes each morning for some writing over a cup of tea. I’ll let you know how it goes!

I’ve booked an introductory course with General Assembly! Stay tuned for April.

This is one of those boring life goals — important but definitely not urgent! Pension savings are really important, especially for freelancers, but this for me actually represents that I am earning enough money to be able to make long-term savings beyond just paying my bills and increasing my cash buffer. Now, I haven’t actually started to save but I have done a load of financial planning for the next financial year so I know exactly how I’m going to make this work [tip: taking savings out as soon as my invoices get paid]. I’ve also moved my previous pension over to PensionBee (other pension providers are out there!) so I am all good to go!

Overall, it feels like this has been another good month. It’s a funny thing, perspective. There have been real highs this month but I’ve also been struggling with a lot of self-doubt — being a solopreneur ain’t easy, it turns out. This exercise of reflecting on my life goals has helped me recognise the small wins that I am having every day — see, I knew I should start journaling!

So now it’s your turn. Did you set goals for the year? How are you getting on? How are you keeping yourself accountable? What are you struggling with? Let me know and let’s keep making 2018 the best year yet!

This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small payment for any products you purchase.

Vix Anderton
25 min
9 cards

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