Train Around the USA

From January 6th through January 20th, I will ride Amtrak trains all the way around the United States. Follow my journey from DC down to New Orleans, across to Los Angeles, up to Seattle, back east to Chicago, then to Boston, down to New York and then back home to DC.

I’ll talk to the people on the train that are willing to talk to me about what they love, what they think is important, what they’re worried about. I’ll also blog about what I see and take lots of pictures.

Check back here for photos and videos and updates!

Here’s the route:

First, the Crescent from DC to New Orleans. Sadly, the train doesn’t make the whole trip right now because of track improvements, so we’ll stop in Atlanta and get on a bus. Bummer. The whole trip takes about 22 hours.

The Crescent

Next, the Sunset Limited from New Orleans to Los Angeles. This trip takes 46.5 hours.

Celeste Headlee
2 min
8 cards

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