20 Years of DDoS

Twenty years ago, 1999, an entire new class of computer network attack tools emerged: handler/agent style Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS).

The general public learned of DDoS when a teenager in Canada took Amazon, CNN, Dell, E*Trade, eBay, and Yahoo! off line in February 2000. That wasn’t the first big DDoS event, however. It happened about six months earlier and I was one of those at the center of the response.

This is the true history of events, told from the inside. I hope you enjoy!

July 22, 1999: The Build Up to Distributed Denial of Service

The first signs of something big on the way were an increase in intrusions to Sun Solaris 2.x computers in the summer of 1999.

August 5, 1999: Something is happening, but what?

Continued reports of intrusions into Solaris 2.x systems come in, but is it just standard rootkits and sniffers? Or something bigger?

Dave Dittrich
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