Summer Adventures- 2017

Claudia Zhu’s 2017 Summer Adventures: Stories, Observations, Growth in Writing

Enjoy! ❤

A Formal (ish) Introduction

June 4, 2017

Hello medium user who has stumbled upon my series. My name is Claudia Zhu and I am a rising senior in high school. I like writing. A lot. I’ve been writing since preschool when I spelled my name like Qluadia. I’ve gotten a lot more coherent since then but my writing is still far from good. But hey, practice makes perfect right? So I promised myself that I would write at least a little bit every day, no cheat days. So if you are reading this, I invite you to join me and contact me somehow so I can read your summer adventures too! Are you ready? Summer lasts for a long time and everyday brings a new adventure. :)


I felt that this was necessary in light of recent events. I don’t want to offend anyone in my posts, but I think that part of the beauty of Medium is the ability to express our freedom of speech. However, while the young leftist/liberal population has been increasing, especially in influence on social media, many of these liberals are rejecting the principles that they stand for by silencing those who have different opinions. I want to explore various issues that I see in my day to day life. If you disagree, definitely let me know! I would love to hear your opinions. But I feel that it is these kind of conversations and clash of opinions that drives society forward.

Claudia Zhu
31 cards

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