31 Days of March for 31 Emotions.


What won’t give you any time to think,
What won’t let you make up stories.

What will force you to be yourself,
What will show your true face of unrest.

What feels like the fastest speed of time,
What feels like an instant, a lifetime.

What involuntarily will play dice,
What makes us forget all, amidst our vice.



An output you’ve been waiting for;
A sense of urgency locked behind a door.

An expectation disguised with a mask;
A piece of work done, nailing the task.

Loitering in the mind you turn restless;
Number of sands in hourglass, countless.

Lingering over this feeling of incomplete;
Your patience now nearing a full deplete.



Grounding this emotion of affirming;
Easy, sometimes hard, act of conforming.

Embracing the truth, with open arms;
No judgements, just interpret with calm.

Allowing this seed idea of reality to grow;
Germination to water & sunlight glow.

There’s no way around without approval;
It brings a silent inward upheaval.


Kalpesh Mange
33 cards

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