27 Life Lessons We Should Embrace Today

I am not a fan of listicles, not at all, but apparently people seem to like it and follow it. That’s why I am a slave of progression and I write listicles for the masses. Enjoy!

Sometimes I keep my identity and write something relevant, something that burns my soul and makes me cry when I put it out on paper.

1. Go and fail at life

As my friend said today: “If we knew how to do everything, there would be no point being here.” We currently undergoing training. I think same applies to everything. We come to this world knowing nothing and end up knowing even less, but somewhere in the middle we figure out things for ourselves, we deal with our problems by trying over and over again, we stumble, we fall, and get up and persevere.

2. Stay alone

If it suits you, if it helps you, if your goals set you apart from the crowd. But be careful not to shut people out.

42 cards

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