Two men sit in a hotel bar, attempting to determine which of them, if either, is a robot.

The bar is not a part of what happens next, so we’ll describe it. It is, on the whole, completely unremarkable. There is the usual cast of customers: the businessman with the uncaring wife; the young lady in the big city for the first time; the three-legged goat. A knowledge of alcohol does not come into play during the story, and in any event the selection at this bar is entirely standard. Throughout their interaction, the two men only drink the house red.

One man coughs.

– Pardon?
– I’m sorry?
– Oh, I thought you said…
– No, I had something in my throat.
– Ah.

One man is on the tall side. As robots are usually considered short, this may indicate he is not the robot. The other man is shorter (possible robot!) but also made of flesh, and robots, generally speaking, are usually made of some kind of metal or synthetic wood.

Thom Wong
4 min
25 cards
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