Directing your own success story

Directing your own success story

All human beings born on this earth have to go through some tough times. But believe me, these tough times are absolutely necessary to give you a complete and clear insight of your capabilities and strengths. I know, you will think that I am completely insane ,but yes that is the ultimate paradox called life, it puts u through different tests all the time without being bothered if u are ready for it or not . But just like every coin has two sides, life also brings out your different shades in different situations. It is your responsibility to stop whining about the stuff that you don’t have and push yourself past that whining phase to figure out your heart’s deepest desires and take massive and appropriate goal-oriented actions to achieve them. Here are some simple steps to help you develop yourself and be your own friend, philosopher and guide in every situation and take control of your life to achieve your own dreams ..

Stop whining and hosting your own pity party.

If you are going through some stressful situations, stop telling about your problem to every single person who offers to listen and stop complaining relentlessly. By doing so, you keep on ruminating over the past and re-living those painful moments from the past again and again and feeling those emotions of pain, anxiety, sadness or disappointment .This starts invoking feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and starts negative self talk. It is like slow poison for you. It will start developing negativity in you, which will not serve you in the long run. Nobody ever likes to be surrounded by negative people. You should always tell yourself that there must be some solution which you will eventually find with the passage of time. Remember, in life’s tests God asks you only those questions which he knows you are capable of answering correctly.

2. Set Goals.

If you wish to change something about yourself or your situation, then go ahead and change it. Set attainable goals and fix time spans to achieve them .After completing these goals, appreciate yourself and celebrate. It will encourage and motivate you to achieve bigger goals.

3. Start taking rapid and massive actions to achieve these goals.

Goals are meaningless without actions. You cannot set a goal and wait for everything to happen on its own. That is never going to happen. You have to take rapid and massive actions to achieve your goals .For example ,if you wish to loose. weight ,you have to exercise, follow a proper diet pattern and change your lifestyle as required .You cannot sit and wait for a miracle to happen .

4. Monitoring your progress on regular basis and performing unbiased self evaluation.

Monitoring your progress is very essential to check if things are going as per your plan. If yes GREAT, but if not, its time to give yourself a reality check and be self critical. Do not give excuses .Giving excuses is not going to let you achieve your goal.

5. Cultivate self sufficient and independent attitude.

Stop waiting for knight in shining armour to come to your rescue or waiting for solutions to pop up out of nowhere. When you have a problem you wait for the right time or think that somebody will come and get you out of the problem you are stuck in .Somebody probably will come and get you out of that problem or won’t .If someone does, you will start developing a dependent attitude which could prove harmful for your development somewhere down the lane. What if nobody comes, then you should help yourself .When you decide to find the solution to your own problem your own mind starts finding out ways and means to find solution to your problem. Though, you may take your own sweet time but you will eventually reach the desired solution. That develops self confidence in you and makes you feel great about yourself. Nothing in this world is impossible. You can achieve absolutely anything you put your mind to .It is all about being smart enough to find the apt solution and knowing where to find it .Thanks to advancements in technology , the advent of internet. has brought the entire world on mere fingertips…

6. Stop Overthinking .

Overthinking creates demons of our own imagination .Most of the things that we think never happen .It just lures us of happiness in the current moment and gets our mind to wander in past or future, none of which is useful .As is. rightly said “man proposes, God disposes ”then why. waste time?. Instead of that focus on present .As soon as you notice overthinking pattern try to snap out of it, just try coming back to the present moment also called as mindfulness. If that doesn’t work, change the action you are currently doing .This will bring your brain out of default mode .Or do something which makes you very happy, that will shift focus of thoughts which will stop overthinking.

7. Start being happy now.

Stop postponing your happiness. Start being happy now. If you think that you will be happy only when you achieve something that you always wanted to, that is not case. When you achieve one goal, your mind will tend to set bigger goal for you to achieve, which is human nature. That is the way human beings are hardwired . You cannot change the wiring , all you can do is rewire your brain .So start doing all those things that make you happy. Pursue hobbies. Make a decision of being happy in the moment. Stop being unhappy just because of a mean comment or uncaring gesture by people around you . Doing that gives the remote control of your life in their hand. Take control and responsibility of your own happiness.

8. Reminding yourself of your own accomplishments in moments of extreme anxiety and self doubt.

When you go through moments of anxiety, insecurity, depression or get extremely scared or overwhelmed, start giving your mind references of your own previous experiences. Remind yourself how you have gone through a similar situation in the past and came out victorious. This reduces your feeling of anxiety, stress and insecurity. We all have the fear of unknown .When we face a new situation or challenge which we have never faced before we become very intimidated by our own interpretation and imagination of the magnitude of that problem. .When. facing. such situations of extreme panic ,you should estimate the magnitude of aftereffects of. that. situation. both positive and negative ,that would prepare you for worst situation and let you be hopeful for the best. And always remember, every situation has two outcomes, either your expectations are met or you learn something valuable.

9. Clear the clutter to have clear perspective.

Sometimes we feel too many thoughts bothering us at the same time, too many thoughts making us feel overwhelmed and confused. Eventually you find yourself juggling between thoughts and emotions, making it harder for you to concentrate on your current project or action .There is a solution. Make list of all the thoughts bothering you, categorize them according to your priority and analyze if they are contributing to your goal .Focus on the. ones which do contribute to the purpose of your life in some way and let all others pass by.

10. Stop Stressing over things not in your control.

I know it is not easy to let go .But you have to for your own peace of mind. Stressing over all the things which are not in your control robs you of your current happiness and wastes you precious time and energy. Because anyway whatever is not in your control cannot be changed .You are left with no option but to accept the outcome as it is.

11. Exercise.

Excercise. regularly. It is scientifically proven fact that exercising regularly helps lowering stress and anxiety levels .Start going for long walks and connect with nature. That is the best form of exercise and it relaxes your mind too.

12. Eat healthy.

Eating healthy is very important .When you eat healthy, you feel more energetic and active .This also keeps your weight under control, which boosts your confidence.

13. Have an adequate sleep.

Ideally we should sleep for 8 hours, so that your brain gets adequate rest and you feel fresh next morning when you wake up. If not possible, try to sleep atleast for 6 hours.

14. Dots always connect .

Whenever you feel that something distressing is happening , remind yourself about your previous experiences , how things perfectly worked out for the best .Similarly, this time also, things will work out and ultimately all the experiences will contribute in some way. to your life’s ultimate purpose.

15. Love and respect yourself.

Love and respect yourself first. Treat yourself like you want others to treat you. Start reminding yourself about all your positive qualities which you already have .This will boost your self confidence. Every morning look at yourself in the mirror, in the eye and tell yourself that whatever goal you have set for yourself, you will achieve it because you are worthy and capable enough.

16. Stop stressing over finding answers to every question that pops up in your mind.

You do not need to burden yourself with the pressure of finding solutions to your own questions in short. Relax, breathe answers will come eventually with time and experience.

The crux of the entire article was that. IF YOU CAN DARE TO DREAM, YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT .Nobody can stop you from achieving any goal if you are strong willed and determined. Develop yourself, love yourself, you are an exquisite creation of God..You have only one life, live it to the fullest.

Prachi Bedekar
6 min
2 cards

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