Fire Emblem: Development and Reception

Fire emblem began before the genre of tactical strategy RPGs became popular with it being credited as the reason tactical strategy RPGs became popular.

Starting in 1990 to the present, there have been 13 game releases, 3 of which are remakes and 4 spin-offs. One, not originally part of the main series, was incorporated into the main series category by Nintendo in 2010.

Contributing to the rapid popularity of the series and by far one of it’s most notable and fought for features was its unforgiving permadeath system.

Though permadeath wasn’t exactly a new idea because it was in games like PACMAN, Space Invaders and table top games it became a staple of the series due to it keeping your dead characters dead throughout the story which added to it’s popularity.

This series will focus on how Fire Emblem was developed, starting with Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light. I’ll also be covering how they were received on release by the critics.

Unfortunately, the Fire Emblem: Three Houses hasn’t been released at the time of publishing this so it won’t appear in this series until after July 26, 2019.

Fire Emblem: The Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light

A Guy

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