Haiku Movie Reviews #1 August 2020

An avid Letterboxd user, I enjoy watching movies and reviewing them online. I also enjoy reading other moviegoers’ reviews and am often surprised by the creativity some can bring to a relatively straightforward writing practice.

A couple of years ago, I’ve started following the hashtag #HaikuMovieReview on Twitter, a fun and sometimes challenging exercise to come up with a 17-syllable long text about the latest movies I’ve watched.

In that spirit, I’m bringing it back in this Series format, hopefully on a regular basis.

Thanks for reading!

Chilling in the Zone
Light conversations with friends…
Pretty dodgy place

Stalker (1979) / ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Best movie ever
According to my father
Can’t say I agree.

The Transporter (2002) / ⭐⭐ 1⁄2

Thierry Maout
3 min
15 cards

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