20 Apple AI Interview Questions

Detailed Blog: Apple AI Interview Questions

My previous AI Interview Questions articles for Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Facebook and Uber have been very helpful to the readers. As a followup, next couple of articles were on how to prepare for these interviews split into two parts, Part 1and Part 2. Do visit them and provide feedback.

1. How do you take millions of users with 100’s of transactions each, amongst 10k’s of products and group the users together in meaningful segments?

2. We do pre-screening on the data to remove fraud threats — so how do we find a data sample that we can use to determine a real representation of fraud events?

3. Given a table with 1B of user ID and product IDs that the users bought, and another table with product ID mapped with product name. We are trying to find the paired products that are often purchased together by the same user, such as wine and bottle opener, chips and beer. How to find the top 100 of these co-existed pairs of products?

Vimarsh Karbhari
2 min
12 cards

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