Bursting the Atmosphere

Budding Flower

I’ll turn this bud
Into a flower.

No matter the cost, I promise.
With stinging tears that hope in hope

I’ll sustain this fighter.
Though she lays

Near the western bay
I’ll remain from dire

choices and hope that we may elope.

That type? Don’t count on it.
Her beauty seeps too deep

The kind which leaps her feet
Like a dancing fire’s wild heat.

This I’ll sow, reap, harvest and keep.
Count on it.

No matter the cost, I promise.
But once more

Those tears gush like acid.
My soul peeled in masses.

A raw open door.
They pour and pour.

Where is my adored?
Away? Then I’ll chase;

I’ll crawl twenty thousand
Miles of glass.

Know, I’ll never pass.
One minute or a thousand.

I’ll finish an impossible race.
No matter the cost, I promise.

I Am A Pope

We’re each the Pope

Of our own lives.

Hanging by a rope,

at the mercy of countless other lives.

So careful with your power;

Use it with wisdom.

Or else it will go sour

And you’ll me another martyrdom.

Conquering Myself

I’m stuck in a room.


Because I am too extrovert to leave this prison by myself.

What should I do?

I’m exhausted so I could sleep.

But, I just woke up three hours ago from a nap. Therefore, I can’t sleep.

So it comes to this.

I either sit in my room and do nothing productive.

Or I conquer myself and I get off this bed, walk out the front door, and plunge into the mysteries of Tokyo.

…here I come, Tokyo.

Skyler Stevens

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