June 2

Young people — People that have either spent less than a decade on this earth and or a decade less than your “current” age. Those are the young people of this earth and they a way to release their demons their darkness.

How do they do this today?

Through being shown the light of this world.

Through acceptance of their folks. (parents/grandparents/foster)

If not they how?


Martial arts

Expression through art ( A MUST: ability to share without judgement)

And if all this fails?

Their peers and perceived mentors (digital druids) and this is the crap shoot of life.

*** this all came from the paris tennis match (on clay court) with the youth from france winning does the rwanda cross chest fist tap three times and then throws then down and yells

Its a release of energy — All that energy that said he could not win, all those inner voices and haters/hecklers from outside the arena that through shade (darkness) his way, he must release the darkness, and he does this in a very animalistic way. WELL…

Please be looking at our history, and the warriors in the arena of during their lives. They too had to release the demons (darkness) and they did it in similar ways, but we have “matured” in our “current” societal norms. Different countries have different social norms but the internet and globalization of sports and media has given us other countries social norms front and center.

Which ones do we adopt?

What if you do not connect with your parents and local communities social norms? What if you truly dont feel as though you fit in — and look it takes work and you will be shot down — however, if you have put in the work and still find yourself searching for something different and acting out of genuine needs rather for the lack of attention I discussed above then sadly you must choose. The red pill or the blue pill because you are living in the wrong dimension and need to get to work on your training.


Yep, you need to train. If you want to be a champion for your chosen kind, you must know the “why” first, then the “how”, followed immediately by the “what”.

Why — Cause I can’t live any other way, I’m sorry but not sorry, this is my true self.

How — This can be confusing because it implies action, but the action that must be done is research, then training, then analyses, followed by more training. Rinse, Dry(light), Repeat.

What — The matter one must have to successfully complete the adoption of another sPAcE N’ Time(d).

JJ McRae
2 min
2 cards

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