Writing Labyrinth of Souls

Origin of the Story

Labyrinth of Souls is one of those stories that came out of no where. I hadn’t planned on writing anything like this, especially since I am working on a full length novel. As I worked on the back story for some of the characters, I fell in love with their story, and I thought, “That would make an interesting story, but it would take a lot to turn it into a novel.”

That is when I realized that it would make a good novella that I could write quickly. Part of me was concerned about taking a detour in the middle of writing the novel. I would have ended up writing a lot of this material anyway. It is important for me to know so I can understand the characters and their relationship with each other.

I started writing the story as The Faith of the Summoner, but with the first scene a character called said they where entering Labyrinth of Souls, and I changed the name immediately.

So, the story found its voice, and the writing began:

After a life filled with calamity, Raih is sent into a mystic labyrinth to find her path where she is attacked by a strange creature; but when she is injured by the beast, she must learn to tame her inner chaos, before the beast returns to finish them off.

You can read early drafts on Wattpad.

Raih, The Summoner

Raih is a character that I have been developing for about 3 years. Over that time, I discovered more about her, but her backstory was always foggy. I tried to fit her into several stories, but she never really fit.

All that changed when I started writing Dragon in the Snow. I had a dream about her role in the story and her relationships with several characters. She now had a home.

One of the relationships that mattered most was her relationship with Jodhaa Bhai, which is the heart of the Throne of Embers stories.

Raih is a unsure about her place in the world, but wants to find a way to be more than her past should allow.

Check out her story on Wattpad.

C. E. Dorsett
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