Exploring Series, a new Medium Feature & I am not thrilled.

What is up with everyone? Everyone is trying out a variant of snapchat’s 24 hour thing. Instagram had stories, Google Photos had stories, even WhatsApp jumped in with Status. And now Medium trying something similar.

I am not sure if I want to see this on Medium.

Is Medium so insecure that they had to go so far away from their DNA to introduce something like Series? I remember Medium from the early days. This was a place for Matter, Backchannel and other long reads.

You could nicely curl up with a coffee cup on a Saturday morning and read a long, well-written pieces about just a lot of things that interest you. You would have bookmarked content over the week to read it later. That was (and still is) Medium for me.

Today, my feed is full of listicles, (Yeah chrome, that is a word now, stop red lining it)

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