Death’s Last Days with the Dying

Death’s Last Days with the Dying is a drabble spinoff of I Killed My Friends and It Thrilled Me and Walden and Hyde (and Other Short Stories).

What is a drabble?

“A fictional story that is exactly 100 words long.”


Memory 001: Time, Tommy

Time, Tommy thought he’d always have. Plentiful like drops of November rain. Countless like twinkling stars.

When he crossed paths with Martha in their office’s corridor that sunny morning, all that came out of his mouth was a quick “Hello”.

No spilling from his river of curiosity lingering in his mind for so long. No wave from his ocean of romantic poetry flowing in his mind whenever he imagined Martha’s diamond eyes and carnation lips. No drop of lust in sight. No ripple of love from his world of secrecy.

He kept it all inside because, Tommy thought, of time.

Xeno Hemlock
17 min
45 cards

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