7 Day Challenge

Password managers can be a great resource for creating secure passwords for your most sensitive and important accounts.

With a master password used to get into the password manager, you can create accounts and generate secure passwords for them with ease. This means you won’t need to remember complex passwords for each of your accounts.

The better password managers will also show you how many times you’ve used the same password so that you can manage your security footprint better.

Here’s a few that we think are worth taking a look at:

  • Dashlane
  • Last Pass
  • 1Password

When was the last time you took stock of the apps and software installed on your phone or any system for that matter?

Unused or generally forgotten about apps. tend to go unpatched and without update for quite some time. This can provide an excellent platform for bad guys to attack your system.

The quickest way to improve the security of your device is to reduce the app footprint.

Start now by removing apps you haven’t used in the last 90 days.

A large number of system vulnerabilities exist because of unpatched versions of software. Close these gaps in your security by setting up and sticking to a strict update and patch schedule.

2 min
5 cards

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A button that says 'Download on the App Store', and if clicked it will lead you to the iOS App store
A button that says 'Get it on, Google Play', and if clicked it will lead you to the Google Play store