Hands on with micro:bits

Fifty kids keen to code…

… three Code Rangers teachers learning with them

…let’s see where these micro:bits take us!

Over 8 weeks we’ll look at how to set up microbits, how to code them, and engaging projects you can make in minutes.

What’s a micro:bit? It’s a mini computer, packed with features, that’s easily coded by students of all ages. It’s been developed by UK’s BBC. You can use your micro:bit for all sorts of cool creations, from robots to musical instruments — the possibilities are endless. The micro:bit is packed with features, like 25 red LED lights that can flash messages, a compass, and a temperature sensor. There are two programmable buttons that can be used to control games or pause and skip songs on a playlist. The micro:bit can detect motion and tell you which direction you’re heading in, and it can use a low energy Bluetooth connection to interact with other devices and the Internet — clever!

1 min
4 cards