
i don’t know why i’ve always been in such a rush in my life.

i always feel like i’m going to run out of time so i try to do a million things at once. i try to stay busy, feel productive.

and sometimes never getting anything done.

then, i really feel like shit because i’ve probably exhausted myself and i don’t have much to show for it.

when it came to relationships, certain jobs, and goals i found myself not being able to wait.

if i seen it, i wanted it.

didn’t matter if i was ready or not… i felt like i just had to have it.

and that’s the biggest mistake i made:

a lot of those things i could’ve waited for as i messed a lot of them up on receiving them when i wasn’t ready.

that’s what life is about, it’s not optional.

and that’s what i’m try to tell myself everyday that it’s ok to mess up because we can’t go through life without making mistakes and being forced to learn from them.

1 min
5 cards

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