New Journey

#1 Professional challenges of an expat

This is the 1st article of the “New journey” series, created to share my expat experiences.

Very few experiences are intense and rewarding like being an expatriate. You leave all your references, belongings, friends, family and job behind and move towards a whole new world of possibilities. It’s amazing, but it can be overwhelming.

Regardless of the motivation of your adventure, the expectations about finding a job can cause disappointment and even anxiety, depression. Many people I know got very frustrated and even went back to their home countries because they were sure they would find an opportunity with great pay as soon as they got their permission to work. But, I am sorry to inform: it’s not easy. I am not telling you it’s a living hell or impossible, but it will require patience, help and research. Some essential topics if you are trying to find a job out of our home country:

Mariana Paes
3 min
9 cards

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