I know what you’re thinking. This bitch is crazy.

Maybe not tho right?! Maybe I’m just sick of this shit. Maybe I’m sick of another dude lying to himself playing the cool guy when really, he’s sitting at home taking pics of his dick because he’s desperately trying to get it in.

What do we do within the safety of four walls that we don’t want anyone to know about.

For most of my life I’ve had that taken away. I’ve learned to live without secrets because for gods sake I’ve never been able to have one. I’ve sent nudes … he’s got one, if you ask I’m sure he’ll show you. Especially after this. That’s ok tho.

Why is a girl is so mad she posts a dick pic and a story.

I said mad. Not crazy. I’m mad. We’re all a little mad. Right?

To be honest I know you feel the same. We’ve all gone a bit mad. As women we all have wanted to humiliate them. I personally don’t want to lose to the man … the men.

Men, YOU KNOW you’re bonkers.

Example: You meet a girl, you want to hang, you’re talking constantly then all of a sudden you flip a switch. Nothing has changed … well you, it’s YOU who has changed … but now, because you can’t be responsible for yourself, WOMEN ARE THE CRAZY ONES. We’ve become needy “why are you texting so much.” To be honest I can just hear it … this bitch is crazy. No man … YOU ARE UNSTABLE.

I save things. I’m a hoarder of conversations and photos. It’s a form of PTSD from dealing with a lot of liars in my time. So men if you’re reading this … A. No one really wants to see your penis And B. If you’re going to send a dick pic make sure these days you don’t give a shit where it ends up.

This really could’ve been any guy. I don’t even particularly like this one. I didn’t like he made me feel crazy. So Andrew bahno … as they say … a big dick doesn’t mean anything if it’s attached to a bigger dick.

They do say that right?

Christianna Reynolds
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