#GirlsWhoProduct: Riddhi Jamnadas

The first girl who products featured in this project is Riddhi Jamnadas. Riddhi is a Product Manager at Premium Minds, a software house based in Lisbon, Portugal. After 8 years of experience in Marketing for IT companies, Riddhi has successfully transitioned into Product Management. In her spare time, Riddhi thinks about new product ideas, traveling around Europe, volunteering for social causes that can ‘make difference in people’s life’ and jogging with her Ipod Shuffle — because ‘no music, no life’

Riddhi Jamnadas, Product Manager at Premium Minds

How did you make the move from being in marketing to becoming a Product Manager?

I come from a marketing background, so before getting into Product Management I’ve already had this product mindset, even though back than I still didn’t know what exactly Product Management was and where I could learn about it. Luckily, a friend of mine who was working in the field, told me about a great company that happened to be hiring a Product Manager with marketing skills. She helped me understand the responsibilities of that role and gave some practical advice, which I found to be very helpful. So finally I thought, “Why not? This field could be right for me! My background is marketing, but my field of studies is management, both of these experiences could help me complete the role.’’ I wanted to try something new and that was the reason why I’ve accepted the challenge.

8 min
26 cards

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