Family of senses

Motherly taste

Butter Pineapple

Taste everything, but swallow only what fits — Virginia Satir

The statement isn’t taken seriously by the foodies around the world. I once came across the delicacy you see in the photograph above. It’s a dessert sold openly in the streets of Agra. The price of each round heavenly body is $0.2 and the taste it offers would match a dish worth $20 in lot of 5 starts hotels in the country.

The complete assortment is a very carefully cut unripened Curd cheese colored with fruit color and wrapped in a thin paste of butter with Mint seasoning. The feeling you get when this enters your mouth is called HEAVENLY.

That’s when I introduce you to Ms. tongue, the lively entity that pulls me to different places on the globe. Your taste is what nurtures you.

Every cell of the body is made out of the liquids you’ve drank, solids you’ve chewed and the gases you’ve inhaled through the surroundings you’ve been in. Your mother always tells you to control yourself and tries to shape you like a potters shapes the pot. I believe the same can be said about this sense of ours.

Father Sight

The above verse from the song yellow (by Coldplay) was well lived when I witnessed the sunrise below. My thirst to witness the space between islands took me to Thailand.

Dawn between the islands

The above picture reflects the beautiful scenery my eyes witnessed when I caught the first ferry to the Samui islands. If it wasn’t the eyes that craved for something out of the normal, I would have stayed where I was, living with the zombies I usually live with, breathing the same air, be part of the same movement.

It’s the hunger for this sight that creates travelers. Its what you want to witness, what you want to be a part of, what you choose to observe personally and not see on television or that magazine of yours that makes you feel how you’re not living what your dreamed of.

Venice through my eyes

It was a kind of night that takes away your desires and your heart tells you Probably, you’ve seen the most beautiful part of life and even if things end now, you’ve lived something worth it “

It was one of the sleepless night I spent in Venice and I believe I came out of the trance to click this picture. It was a sight that no camera could capture, no words could define and no story can describe.

Dry breeze, chilly temperature, golden lights, cloudy sky, glittering moon and silence. It was like a God would appear and allot you your room in heaven.

If it was not for the sight, I would have not pushed myself to create situations to be a part of this. Just like your father guides you to be more than what you think about yourself, your sight guides you. The way your father always knows a little more than you, your sight would always make you feel that “the more you see, the more remains to be seen. “

Master Sound

Among all the places you’ve ever been to and all the parties that you have attended, this one stands out. If you ever visit the Samui islands (Koh Phagnan, Koh Samui, Ko Tao) in Thailand, you’ll hear this term from everyone’s mouth.

It’s called the FULL MOON PARTY. What it features is great food, awesome music, the intoxication and people from around the world but all under the moonlight.

People light up their stalls and celebrate the festival with deep love and regards but there are more things to be seen.

Shore from top of a hill

The things that will take you there are your previously mentioned family members and the smart ambitious son named “Sound”.

The music will take you up. Apart from the music, the sound of people cheering, the humming of fire produced by fire artists, the drums of local musicians and the sweet laugh of the crowd will create a tune so melodious in your ears that you would live for it and crave for your next visit.

Another, at par movement can be observed in Prague, situated in the heart of Europe which we also call the land of DJs.

Whenever, yes… whenever, you get a chance to visit Prague, do spend some 25 Euros to witness the Pub Crawl movement on Saturdays.

Trust me, if you love music, especially the ones for partying, tripping tunes and soul shaking beats, you mustn't miss it. Because when you’re done with it, you’d like to hand them over another 25. Just make sure it’s in the right time of early summer as winters are usually dull.

Anurag Awasthi
7 min
7 cards

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