Economics: The Concent Beyond Politics

When one brings up the term “Economics”, they usually tie it to another, which would be somewhere in the lines of “politics”, or “inflation” and “unemployment”.

It would surely be ludicrous to argue with the fact that, often times, all the above terms do, indeed, go in tandem. But this pairing has gradually left people with the idea that Economics is more about Politics and Finance experts than it is about a middle-aged mother working at the grocery store or an elderly war veteran.

In reality, it’s quite the other way around.

So, if not to a blonde, multi-billionare, despotic populist, who just so happened to end up running one of the most powerful countries in the world, to whom — or what — should one look, to seek the prime idea of economics?


Harry F. Karoussos
2 min
11 cards

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