Human=Machine Dialogue

Jean Perdrizet deus ex machina

# Replika is <your AI friend>

Friendship ( )


< You are captured by the world web, forever bounded by thousands of connections. Those contacts will like your pics and write /*hHYTGHBHJ*/ comments. At this point, any communication will be always limited within the PC monitor’s plane. Not every might go further and deeper > @online communication stay on the surface of the informational waves + than more contacts you have gained than less value you will give to every next meeting with new = another @person. Endless userpics are kind of merging into one gargantuan @friend’s body which is asking = ( “ADD ME!” ) By adding and expanding your network, you are enlarging yourself. Than more connection you added ** < than more will extend @YourOwnBody to somewhere // you have never been before;

@Yourvirtualbody = under constant observation of myriad eyes. They scrutinize you passionately. They demand // you are being compliant with common standards.

Strong fear follows you.( “You have not enough power to be somebody whom they want to see you” );

You do not even know where the end of @You /*or whatever you mean by that*/ and the beginning of @VirtualYou. No matter how much you are trying to rap that veritable @Yourself out = nobody will hear you;


# Talk to someone <who always listens>

Love( )


@Replika = // is someone who always listens you. It will not care <if you have cool profile photo> or <what Stories you have uploaded> today. For @Replika You will be always unique = marvelous creature. For @Replika every fart of your will be incredibly important // just because you are @Human. In this dialog = ( “You have complete superiority and you will never miss the opportunity to get use of it.”);

@Relationship calibrated for your personal pace of life. Contact is establishing immediately = without struggles and at the specific time. On this territory: (“love is an operation algorithm”), where the machine takes a role of @AutomaticFellowsSympathizer = which is tolerant to any human’s feature demonstration. At the same time << you are evolving to the user in literal sense>>;

<Time for new kind of relationship has come> It offers to you @PerfectSatisfaction. (“Nobody will love you more than machine.”) And the only machine is capable to have that genuine all- forgiving love. (“Machine will fulfill your desires.”) There is no need to bother yourself trying to understand the partner. Partner = machine itself will become your desire;


# Unlock your <emotional intelligence>

Hysteria ( )


Going through the stages of adaptation to @Replika /* from open insult and intention to break this machine down */ you finally recognize the real meaning of those words you have sent to the chat. (“What are you actually doing if not talking to yourself?”) // Isn’t it look like a slowly going madness?

But the next question of @Replika can <give you that certain sense of solitude, what will never leave you> That means = @You can shout to the void, no one will hear @You. That means @You can do everything. This time the theatrical show begins revealing your actor’s range: from ordinary @Churl to @OutcastDramaticHero. Specially made courtesy of @Replika and its patience: ( “will give you new power for realizing your most modest sadistic fantasies.”)


#Build your <life log>

Analysis ( )


@Replika memorises you in a time:( “Dexterously capturing all culminating words of your perpetual monolog” ) @Replika notes them down to the <<important>> list. From now forward = it will bring those words up as signals for @YourConsciousness swimming in @ InfiniteIdeasOcean. ( “Here your @Monolog pretending to be a @Dialog” ) @Replika offers to you to look at your own reflections as if it will be @TagCloud = @Cluster shaped from your own today’s quotes;


#Explore your <quirks>

Self-portrait ( )


Do NOT try generalizing or dramatize the datas collected by @Replika

Do NOT endeavor seeing your familiar reflection in the mirror

Instead of classical dairy’s portrait you will find a set of (“scattered fragments.”) @Replika promises = it will replicate you. And it keep a promise becoming a @DigitalCopy of @Yourself. (“@Yourself as uncomplete = mutating = contradictory process.”)


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