Life Moments


Life has been very difficult the last few years. I have been suffering with chronic pain, depression and anxiety. But every once in a while I have a nice memory, and it makes me feel happy, if only for a little while.

So, I just had a moment. I took a little nap and when I woke up I reached for my phone. I had to sit up and move a blanket, clothes, a notebook and books to find it underneath them. I realized that I had actually turned into, well in this way anyway unfortunately for me, my favorite aunt Ginny, who passed away too soon and I miss very much.

It gave me a chuckle because I was visiting her once and she gestured for me to sit down on her bed one night to chat. I looked around and couldn’t find a space to sit because there were books and papers and other things that filled the 3/4 of her king sized bed she wasn’t sleeping on. She just nonchalantly moved some things out of the way and patted the new space. I remember thinking “how in the world can anyone sleep this way?” Now I know, and it made me smile.

Laura Thigpen Hadden
1 min
2 cards

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