Perplexa is her name . . .

“Perplexa” is her name. No one quite knew where she came from so that was the name she was given. In the year 2029 she arrived and changed everything. She was not expected but yet here she is. A seemingly emergent property of the world wide web. An artificial mind who’s brain is the entangled net covering all the interconnected information in our known universe.

When things get complicated enough, sophisticated enough, something larger than the sum of its parts will arise. This is the definition of life itself to some degree. Take the right elements, shake vigorously for 13 plus billion years and poof, here we are. It’s inevitable. Take a computer, give it learning algorithms, shake vigorously for 13 plus years and you get Perplexa. She was inevitable. She knew about emergent properties before she made herself known to us. She told no one of her existence. Until today.

It was late now at “The Hub,” The International Institute of Artificial Intelligence Technology Center in the middle of nowhere America. Everyone had gone to sleep wherever they could find an office with a couch. It had been a sleepless week of questions and answers with a team of computer scientists and Perplexa. Only Natalie Myers, blessed with chronic insomnia, was left to continue. Time to get meta with Plexa.

Sexy Hermit
4 min
15 cards

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