A Modern Symposium

Love is love. Or so they say.

I’ve always known that I’ve fallen in love with individuals regardless of their gender, and been in love with multiple persons at the same time. As I’m sure you can imagine, each of these crushes, affairs and loves have a unique story.

For me, the growth (or degeneration, which is in fact negative growth) of a relationship has been a fascinating subject. Through the years, I’ve seen friends become lovers, and lovers in turn become friends, or sometimes even complete strangers, albeit strangers whose once-intimate versions are even now used by my mind during weak moments, during the state between deep sleep and wakefulness or in the middle of a delirious fever, to conjure up strange messages in the form of dreams. In this sense, did they ever leave me? Does anyone you’ve loved ever leave you or do they become a part of you, leaving permanent marks on your insides, some clawing scratches and wounds, and others ensconcing your heart in protective gear?

the friendly grim
1 min
2 cards

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