A Restless Slumber

The dream was not a pleasant one. I struggled to drag the fading images of my restless slumber into my waking consciousness. They were lost to me. Later, inexplicably I discovered this image from my dream on my iPhone. Has anyone else experienced this? ♞

It happened again. I think it was the same house from my dream two nights ago — only it seemed different. And as walked closer to it I could feel its unrest. I awoke to find this image from my dream on my iPhone 7. Am I the only one this is happening to? Is it SIRI? ♞

The dream continued last night, only this time I was prepared. I disabled the four-digit password on my phone and fell asleep gripping it ready to fire off a shot should anything rouse me. There was the house, isolated in a dark wood. My phone was locked and my code wouldn’t unlock it. I fired off four shots from the lock screen. I still felt the tension from within the house. When I awoke my iPhone password had been changed to CrwlyDawn. Somehow I knew this. What is going on here? ♞

8 min
18 cards

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