Using Tech + 5000 Year Old Industry to Help Syrian Refugees

The Anka Cooperative is a social enterprise with a mission to empower Syrian women refugees by providing them dignifying work through the creation of the finest rugs at the highest ethical standards.

Joshua Burke wanted to do something to help the 3 million men, women, and children fleeing to Turkey. But where to start?

  • Food?

Read the full story here

He decided to start with jobs:

“I had heard that the entire carpet weaving industry of Pakistan grew out of the Afghan refugee camps in the 80’s, and Turkey has an excellent tradition of weaving fine carpets — I thought this could be a place to start. I partnered with an American company who has been producing high quality carpets in Southeast Turkey for over 35 years. And my co-founder already had experience working in refugee camps.”

Janessa Lantz
1 min
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