Daily Reflections

Peace is Present

If you don’t make peace now, if you don’t find joy now, if you don’t find happiness now then how will it magically arise in the future? Where will it come from?

Peace, joy, happiness isn’t something to achieve or derive, it is here right now.

Simply make peace with this moment.

Simply allow joy and happiness to flow from being.

Life is Not a To-Do List

We turn life into a to-do list of accomplishments, accolades, and goals.

We beat ourselves for not being productive, hitting 10k steps, getting up at a certain time.

This way of living doesn’t account for the internal: our ability to feel love, give gratitude, show empathy.

Perhaps a day where you embody these internal qualities is far more “productive” than accomplishing everything on the to-do list.

Fear or Love

It really doesn’t matter how little or how much you accomplish today. What does matter is are you acting out of love? Or are you acting out of fear?

If you live and act from fear life becomes something to conquer.

If you live and act from love life becomes a joyous adventure irrespective of the cards you’ve been dealt.

This decision is for you to make right now for paradise is not in the future but here right now.

Amit Kamra
2 min
6 cards