The Evolution of Dapps

We are pleased to introduce EveryDapp’s new medium series The Evolution of Dapps. This series will highlight Dapps, founders, and the untold journey many have embarked on towards a decentralized, open, and borderless Web 3.0. Please join us in this multi-part deep dive into the progression of Dapps.


Episode One

CryptoCare is an Ethereum-powered social impact platform that gamifies philanthropy using crypto-collectibles.

EveryDapp’s CEO, Peter Mitchell, spoke with John Paul Hennessy and Phillip Birtcher, the founders of CryptoCare about their journey, motivations, and the future of the CryptoCare platform.

From early on, John Paul and Phillip felt the draw of crypto and dapps drawing them in, but decided to find an approach before getting heavily involved. Once they recognized that crypto could be applied to enable contributions to be sent instantly across borders they became intrigued, CryptoCare was born.

The idea behind CryptoCare is to gamify giving to impact organizations by attaching a unique token and avatar to each donation. Users can adopt a collectible from their platform and then 95% of the funds are transferred onto the project which the avatar represents. The remaining 5% is sent to the CryptoCare team to fund the costs associated with running the service.

“Each avatar is like a merit badge which represents the donations which you have made in the past.”

In the beginning, the goal was to get a platform live as fast as possible and so the CryptoCare team researched and found projects which already had a crypto wallet address to avoid onboarding constraints. Currently, the platform has 10 impact organizations to which users can seamlessly contribute. With the initial 10 organizations performing well, they will begin to slowly onboard more in the future.

The vision for the platform is to simplify donating to organizations with the avatar as a fun way to reward users with something that they can own and keep as a symbol of contributions. With CryptoCare, when you pay for the avatar you receive the non-fungible token with the artwork, unlike some projects which retain control over the artwork which is connected to the non-fungible token. Each avatar is then stored using an IPFS hash and can always be accessed even without the CryptoCare platform.

In the future, John Paul and Phillip would hope to make it increasingly accessible for organizations to onboard crypto wallets without a large technical challenge. They are currently examining the possibilities of expanding the avatar collection and other gamification opportunities in which the avatars can be utilized.

The CryptoCare team is unlocking an entirely new avenue for giving, by enabling crypto owners to donate seamlessly to the organization of their choice with a new asset class. Our team at EveryDapp is excited to see how CryptoCare will change how money is given to organizations in the future.

If you would like to learn more visit

More Episodes Coming Soon!

2 min
4 cards

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