Athena.Trade Events

Year in Review

Thank You to our 2019 Members for Sponsoring These Presentations

2019 Events

As I reflect back on my time with the amazing #coworking members for Athena.Trade, including all of the exciting presentations, and as I continue these in a remote manner, I wanted to create a simple way history of our amazing year.

This series will begin with the most recent episodes and move backwards, while creating a central area to access the presentations. Some presentations had to be taken down and are awaiting further clarification. As issues are clarified, and they are reposted, you will find them here. For more information: follow Athena on Twitter

Athena_Trade | Athena Bitcoin

Each of these presentations have the following disclosures

DISCLAIMER: Athena.Trade Presents Weekly Series offers educational presentations to discuss relevant companies, industry experts, and other tangential professionals within the Fintech vertical, including but not limited to Blockchain, digital assets, and other emerging technologies. We are a community; our member logos are visible on the graphics. All information provided herein is footnoted properly within each article If you have any questions on the validity of any source, please message Jenny Balliet, Director of Presentations at Athena.Trade.

These articles do not represent any financial, investment, or legal advice. If you have questions on these topics, we recommend you contact a professional in your jurisdiction and or area of regulation.

  1. Openfinance January 2019
  2. Holistic Index March 2019
  3. John Mirkovic March 2019

After the Bell: February 13, 2020- Is now changed to June 24, 2020.

A conversation with Stacey Mankoff in preparation or our After the Bell event

On Friday, February 7, 2020, I spoke with Stacey Mankoff from The Mankoff Company. As Stacey is a friend of Athena and we have hosted her After the Bell series two times prior, with our third in just under a week, February 13. I was curious what motivated Ms. Mankoff to create this road show series of thought leaders. More than a meet up, but less encompassing than a conference, how does she see this series fitting into the networking schema? Below is a short summary of our discussion, or you can watch or listen by following the links below.

Want to learn more?

Listen to our Podcast | Register for After the Bell Chicago | Watch our Youtube or Periscope

After the Bell Education & High Touch Networking

After 11 years of traveling throughout the US, UK, & Canada, how has After the Bell evolved? Ms. Mankoff animatedly describes herself as someone with,

“An innate curiosity for all things Fintech”

Creatively branded, After the Bell, is the phrase known after the market closes for the day. Her series is akin to a road show that explores the many facets of trading from ticket trading to algorithmic and high frequency trading, including bitcoin and Blockchain.

Given her experience, I was curious what sector she feels will be the first mover in the industry. Aside from the financial industry of payments, Ms. Mankoff sees incredible potential in the supply chain space. I fully agree especially with the NIST, the Trade Lens Report and initiatives from companies such as Walmart. [1][2][3][4]

Regulations & Education

As we spoke further, Ms. Mankoff shared many stories. I was quite surprised to learn that the creator of the BitLicense, the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYSDFS) was inspired by one of the panels that Ms. Mankoff hosted. [5][6]Now that is quite an impact!

As she further explains, the banks are both the most heavily regulated and the most scared, it is necessary for them to understand this emerging technology in order to harness the promise it purports. To further illustrate this, a diagram of all of the financial regulations is found below.

It is Always Perplexing When Technology Has Exceeded the Regulation

At times, it seems that regardless of the amazing innovations that digital assets promise, the image per se, is just as volatile as the prices thereof.

Ms. Mankoff mentions that part of her motivation came from the need for regulators to understand the technology, just like the many iterations of trading. What is the single best cure for those misunderstandings? Education, of course! However, bitcoin was such a nascent and controversial technology that she chose to begin with Blockchain to educate thereon in hopes of fueling adoption.

Ms. Mankoff highlights that adoption will occur when blockchain user interfaces are as seamless as our mobile banking applications. Further noting,

“That is the key, if its invisible and its easy, it will be adopted.”

Surely one topic of Chicago’s After the Bell will be the new ‘Safe Harbor’ proposed by Commissioner Hester Peirce. [8]

Where Does Privacy Fit v. Convenience?

We then foray into my favorite topic, PRIVACY! Ms. Mankoff has pragmatic views, and cites,

“It is very hard right now to really retain your privacy.”

With the recent rise in hacking and cyber exploits, and the aggregation of data that is cited as ‘anonymous,’ but is anything but, where does that leave us? From Martech to Adtech, and Siri always listening, to the mechanisms necessary to prove identity while traveling e.g., Global Entry/Clear , the line is frustratingly difficult to navigate and advocate cogently. Perhaps this will be a topic for a future After the Bell. [9] In closing, Ms. Mankoff notes that all of her topics are community driven. Therefore, if you have a potential topic, please do not hesitate to contact her:

Email: Follow MankoffCompany on Twitter

After the Bell: Chicago

Chiberia [10]

Athena.Trade Presents: OpenFinance Network JANUARY 9, 2019

DISCLAIMER: Athena.Trade Presents Weekly Series offers educational presentations to discuss relevant companies, industry experts, and other tangential professionals within the Fintech vertical, including but not limited to Blockchain, digital assets, and other emerging technologies. This does not represent any financial, investment, or legal advice. If you have questions, we recommend that you contact a professional in your jurisdiction and or area of regulation. We are a community our member logos are visible on the graphic below. All information provided herein is footnoted properly below. If you have any questions on the validity of any source, please message Jenny Balliet, Director of Presentations at Athena.Trade.


OpenFinance Presentation

On January 9, 2019, we had the pleasure of Thomas McInerney, Chief Product Officer, at OpenFinance (OFN) present to our members. We sincerely thank Thomas for a delightful presentation and offer the following links in the event that you were unable to attend.

If you have not registered on the MeetUp, you will need to join or email Jenny@Athena.Trade .

Interested in becoming a member of Athena.Trade? Please contact Bill. Interested in attending or presenting at Athena.Trade? Please contact Jenny.

About OpenFinance

OpenFinance has served as a leader in Security Token innovation. Recently, OFN has launched their premier platform and cultivated a network of partners that are among the leaders within the Blockchain and cryptocurrency space. OFN has achieved the coveted status of, “first to launch, live, regulated security token trading platform in the United States…” through strategic partners such as, “Huobi, the third largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, as well as Securitize, Atomic Capital, Harbor, Polymath, Securrency, and TokenSoft,” one thing is clear, great things are afoot in 2019! [1]

A platform for both accredited and non-accredited investors alike, spanning within the US and throughout the globe, OpenFinance creates a perfect conduit for everyone to invest based on their coordinating qualifications. OFN’s highly experienced team of authorities in finance law, coupled with carefully curated advisors such as Anthony Pompliano (Morgan Creek Digital Assets, Facebook) and Tor Bair (Enigma MPC, Snap) have provided the perfect match to build this dynamic and fully compliant interface to meet the needs of the emerging regulations surrounding tokenization. [2]

OpenFinance Network First to Launch Security Token Trading

BCAP to be one of the initial security tokens to trade on the OpenFinance Network ATS.

The Next Step

Given this groundbreaking status, Thomas’ schedule has been very busy. The week following our presentation, Thomas represented OFN and spoke on Building the Digital Asset Ecosystem: Creating Regulated Solutions for Capital Raising and Secondary Trading, at BlockchaingeDC, in Washington DC and Technical Structuring of Security Tokens at The North American Bitcoin Conference, in Miami, discussing the emerging regulations within tokenization.

If you are interested in giving this innovative platform a try visit


For more information on tokenization see the notable articles from Athena Blockchain’s co-founders Drew Hinkes, and David Valentine. Mr. Hinkes is widely known within the legal and regulatory landscape and Mr. Valentine is regarded as a leader within capital markets who possesses a wealth of experience which is unmatched. Working in close collaboration with the co-founder of Athena Bitcoin, Inc., CEO, Eric Gravengaard, also the acting President of Athena Blockchain, they have authored two articles that carefully analyze the regulations, nuances, and opportunities of tokenization. [3],[4] These resources serve as a primer for anyone looking to invest in tokenized structures.


Athena.Trade hosts a variety of events to facilitate connections to our Community within the larger innovative, Blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystem under the parent company of Athena Bitcoin, Inc., which is forging revolutionary access to virtual currencies for citizens in the unstable economies of Latin America. [5], [6]

Join Our MeetUp

Resources consulted







OpenFinance Website:;




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-Be A Part of A Financial Revolution

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Meet Up:

Jenny Balliet
9 min
5 cards

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