Hello-World w/ Atmel Studio 7 & UNO Serie (Episode#01)

We need to pave our road first…

Run Episode#00 first!

Our goal is to work with IO, ADC, TIMERS, PWM, EEPROM and much more on Arduino inside AS7… you never seen nothing like this serie on net!

After guaranteeing to record via USB in an arduino (via Ep # zero) we will enter our Hello World!

Let’s get Started!

Atmel Studio 7 & Arduino UNO


This is a HELLO WORLD ARDUINO UNO + ATMEL STUDIO 7! We’re gonna turn on led on pin 5 of the Arduino B port. Nothing special uh…;b

We need to know the simple first...

Let’s get started!

Step#01→ Go to Episode#00 and make Arduino works in Atmel Studio 7;)

2 min
13 cards

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