My Secret is There is No Secret…

Why is it that whenever someone (myself included) posts about weight loss, the first comment is always “What’s your secret?” Newsflash: there is NO SECRET. Weight loss is HARD. And no matter what you do to get there, it’s a journey to be bloody proud of. It’s emotional, it’s confronting, it’s terrifying. You have to change your whole life.

The only correct way to lose weight is do whatever you feel works for you. Surgery, diet, exercise, all of the above. There is NO SHAME in doing whatever works for you. There is more shame in not doing anything and then feeling the need to belittle others for their choices. Guess what? Weight loss doesn’t make you happy, but it sure as hell helped me. If you’re happy with your size, good for you! Just remember to not attack those who have made the choice to change.

I lost over 40kgs and I’m happier than I’ve ever been… but I also moved into my own house, changed jobs and got engaged. All of those things contributed to my happiness. Life is change and change is the biggest secret to happiness…

Maybe there is a secret to weight loss after all… Change. Change everything you need to to get where you want to be. And focus on yourself, not other people. Everyones journey is different and what works for one may not work for you. There is no ‘one fit all’ secret. There is only choice. The choice to do whatever the hell you want.

Nessy-Anne Allen
1 min
2 cards

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