A Life Cycle Reborn

A Life Cycle Reborn

By Carolynne Raymond

Copyright 2013 Lady Maverick Publishing

Cover Design by Carolynne Raymond

Published by Carolynne Raymond

This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, or shared except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Chapter 1 — Who is Robin?

2:55pm: Robin you have worked enough for today time to go home. I am packing up because there are no other little odd jobs that need to be finished at the office. The only ones left to do will take way more time than the five minutes left in my workday. The sun is shining and it is my little sister, Samantha’s birthday today, she is eighteen years old. Last night I made her a necklace of glass beads, colored pearls and lace. The thought I had was, to either give her money or make something. What teenager doesn’t like money? Then I thought about when I was her age; someone who is no longer here made me a beautiful pink fresh water pearl necklace; to this day I still cherish the gift, and maybe my sister will feel the same about the necklace that I will be giving her later tonight.

It is a long lonely drive home. Normally my husband Kyle and I carpool together, but last Thursday was his last day of work. Now Kyle is off, and our guess is, he will be without work for the next month until a new contract comes up.

Geez! The traffic after work make the drive so ridiculously long. I am not sure about anyone else, but I wonder, my mind is always on the go like a hamster on its exercise wheel, and it is not always the normal stuff; well sometimes, it is. The random thoughts are things like, what I need to pick up at the grocery store. I sometimes wonder why my boss is so incredibly retarded. Today on the drive home, my brain is pondering the thought; how the hell does a psychic know that they are channeling their specific clients loved ones? Personally, I believe that psychics are frauds because they always seem to find the dead relative that is close to the inquirer, and the dead person is always sending their love to them. Why is it that we never hear the psychic say that they weren’t able to make a connection because the deceased is now reincarnated, or that the deceased is upset with them and haunting their house, or something? I’m not super religious, and I hope that I’m not coming off as one of those philosophical, religious, push their beliefs onto others kind of person, but I know that there are religions on earth that follow this belief, and that some do believe in reincarnation. These psychic readings seem to reflect the beliefs of the psychic and not the client. Why am I thinking about this psychic stuff anyway? Well, it is because this morning, on the radio show they have psychic readings once a week. This morning the psychic was on the air. It was funny because a woman called in and said that she was cheating on her husband, and she wanted the psychic to confirm whether her lover had more feelings for her other than the physical relationship. The psychic said that it was just a physical relationship, and the woman seemed completely relieved by his answer. Wow, I had a good laugh. Normally, the callers who inquire are all sad, choked up crying, and asking for the psychic to make a connection with dead loved ones, and it is always the same answer, like a broken record… “Someone is being channeled, and they are sending their love to you…” Blah, blah, blah is what I think. Anyway, this nonsense daydreaming is getting to be too off the deep end for me, let me change subjects.

The roads are a parking lot; I am just sitting in traffic staring ahead. This is so annoying; not even moving really drives me nuts. I have to tune out of this traffic frustration. Let me switch the subject to books. I do love to read because it helps me to get my mind off things. Too bad, I cannot read and drive at the same time. I read every night in order to fall asleep. Currently, I am in this sensationally popular one that “Everyone”, and when I say everyone, I am visually making air quotes with my hands as I drive and saying the word “Everyone”. Anyway, “Everyone” is talking about it. It is a story about a girl who is swept off her feet by this incredible handsome young and very rich man, the catch. He has kinky tastes in the sac…. Hey, I am not complaining, I do admit it is a good read. Would I say great; nope, it’s not even close in comparison to my favorite books, none the less, it’s good enough for me to keep my attention; get my mind off all the day dreaming that I do, and that helps me fall asleep at night.

Recently the idea of writing my own story came to me. Do I know anything about writing? No not really…Do I know anything about copyright, publishing and stuff to make a story get to a bookshelf? NOPE. What is the drive? Well, I think that I have a story to tell. I doubt anyone thinks like me, and if they do then, I think that they keep their daydreams secret. I want recognition and hey, all of these first time writers seem to get rich. I laugh to myself. Boy, if I could just be rich, or at least win one million dollars I could do so much with it. There are so many places to see and things to buy and I would have that freedom to follow my dreams. Wow, so many dreams from the daydreamer. I should help in the creation of the commercials that the lottery companies put out. I do believe in lottery tickets. I buy one every time I stop for gas, but so is a billion others. I know my chances are slim to zip and really, it will only be a dream and nothing more, but I continue to buy because I enjoy that idea of knowing that there is a tiny chance of winning.

There we go, now we are getting somewhere! Finally, the traffic is starting to clear, and I am moving off this downtown street and onto the highway. Now that we are moving, I am starting to feel a little closer to home. YES, I internally jump for joy at the thought of getting home. I continue to wonder. Why do I even day dream, it’s almost as though I’m playing some evil game by tormenting myself, and I know logically that I will never come close to winning the lottery? For starters, I think it is because I want more out of life. I think that I can do better in all aspects. Don’t mistake these thoughts of me being ungrateful for what I have. I recognize that I have a fantastic life, and I am sure that without sounding too presumptuous that my peers would agree. I am a thirty-year-old woman. I would rate myself as a seven point five. I have a very handsome husband, Kyle, he is thirty-three years old, tall, blue eyes, and he keeps his hair short, shaved bald short. Kyle has his head on his shoulders and is a true provider, even with his little set back, currently being out of work, he still does so much for the both of us, and I do love him to bits. I have a wonderful career. I’m an office worker for a private company that sells and installs solar panels to corporate companies and the general public, I am proud of what I do for a living, and I do sleep well at night in knowing that the small roll I do is good for this world. I own a home, two cars and a four-wheeler. The only major debts I have is a mortgage, which is the norm these days. Lastly, the only child that I have is a little three-year-old black Havanese dog named Smarty.

So even though I know that life is good, why is it that I always want more? Well, I feel that I have gotten so used to my lifestyle and have sort of fallen into a rut. In the past year, I have dropped thirty pounds. I was by no way fat, just a wee bit chunky, and I would like to lose another fifteen to twenty pounds just to get the little rolls off my body and have a more athletic and toned look. I feel like I am stuck in a rut and lack the motivation to reach goals. I need to do this in order to fulfill that need that I have of my body image. Kyle and I do have fights; just like any other couple, but I feel that I could be a better wife for him. I know he gets annoyed with all my day dreaming for starters, and yesterday he told me, “Robin please, I am not sure what world you think your living in, but everything you want, as it is right now isn’t going to happen.”… Can’t a girl dream? I guess after six years he is getting tired of it. My career is good, but that is just it. I love my job, but it is not exciting. I could look to climb the corporate ladder, but nothing has come up. I am keeping my eyes open for opportunities, but I guess I need to do more and really look. What person doesn’t want to make enough and have no limits?

Finally! I am coming up to my off ramp. Five more minutes and I will be home. So that is it, my life as it is in this moment, normal. Just normal….The realization is I know what I need to do and I need to start doing more to make my life more than just the norm. Easy said okay let’s do this! My car is idling at the red light at the end of the off ramp. The light turns green and I touch my foot to the gas.

When I set foot in my house I am going downstairs to work out in my gym, maybe do a bit of running on the treadmill, and work out like a rock star!

Chapter 2 — Toast and Chocolate Spread

I step through the front door and see Kyle; just seeing him makes the drive home frustrations go away. I smile at the sight of him and say, “Hey babes! How was your day?”

He peeks over the back of the couch, he was watching television, “Oh, hey Robin. It was good. My Dad called earlier, I took Smarty for a run, and I watched a couple of movies that you probably wouldn’t like. How was your day?”

I take my shoes off and put my purse away, “It was ok, nothing new to share and sadly no office gossip to tell you about, I got nothing interesting for you.” I smile and shrug at him.

Kyle asks, “What time did your mom and dad want us there for?”

I snuggle up with him on the couch, “They said 5:30 PM. We probably won’t eat until 6:30 PM, I am a little hungry now and was going to make myself a toast with chocolate spread did you want one?”

He flashes the cheesiest smile and flutters his eyelashes at me to exaggerate just how touched he is that I am even considering making him a snack and in the most exaggeratingly appreciative voice he says, “That would be great Robin, thank you.” He smiles and gives a clearly fake bashful flirt with his eyes, and I go to the kitchen to prepare our snack.

Kyle is my husband and best friend. I think that we balance each other out. After six years of marriage, we are still finding ways to make each other laugh, and we keep each other on our toes. He is the type of person who always tries to make you laugh. His personality ranges from care free and playful to a more down to earth provider. I also have a playful personality and often times I am the “instigator” with the nonsense that goes on in our house, and he will always roll with it, but if I am not careful I will get my fun, games and nonsense handed back to be tenfold. Like, for example let’s say I go to give him what looks to be a loving innocent hug and it is, but I have an ulterior motive, for example that my hands are actually cold and need warming. I will hug him and touch my icy cold hands to his bare skin, wrapping my arms around him and resting my hands on his bare back. This will usually result in him screaming and jumping out of my grasp in sheer surprise and shock. Kyle will often return the prank by making his hands cold by putting them in the freezer and then chase me down. He will hug me just as I did to him, only he will leave his icy freezer hands on my bare skin for minutes on end as I scream while trying to squirm out of his grasp. The only difference is I can’t break free from his hold. I believe that we are outgoing people, and when we want to achieve something, we do, and if we fail, we don’t let the failure eat us up, we just push through it. For instance, Kyle being out of work now, we are sort of embracing it because he does work hard, and we take the mentality that he will eventually land another job soon, and this period is just an “extended” vacation.

I smear the chocolate spread onto the toast for the two of us and find my way back to the couch to eat and watch the rest of the show with Kyle.

What now? Shower and then change into something a little more comfortable for my sister’s Birthday dinner at mom and dad’s house. Well I guess working out like a rock star isn’t going to happen tonight. Ah well, there is always tomorrow… I do hope my little sister Samantha loves the necklace.

Carolynne Raymond
9 min
3 cards

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