Thoughtcruncher’s Coffeeblog

A New Coffeeblog?

Once upon a time I wrote a blog. It was a lot of fun. I’ve been thinking about doing it again, and here it is, this time using Medium rather than the more orthodox blogging platforms. (Yes, folks, blogging platforms have become orthodox already.)

I’ve kept the name, Coffeeblog, because the original was always written somewhere where I was out and about, drinking coffee. (It was not specifically a blog about coffee.)

It’s time for another post to this blog.

Because It’s There.

It’s time to post again to the Coffeeblog. Why? Because it’s there, and because I can.

Medium is a great medium. I can quickly dash off a blog post and let ‘er fly. That’s what I’m doing now, mainly for the experience. I can start adding more “meaningful” content later on, and delete stuff I don’t like.

I can add images too. All right, let me add one. What? Let’s see what I got.

Yes! Asparagus!

Page Three.

As I said, whenever I want. Even if it’s useless drivel. Like this.

1 min
4 cards

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