Beastars:Season 1


Episode 1.

There will be SPOILERS . If you haven’t watched the show or care about “spoilers,” then come back at a later time please. iight, we gone head back to the writing piece.

My feelings and observations of this season, episode by episode.

That was the moment I discovered the small rabbit and my instincts -Legosi/Legoshi

Red eyes blazing, we are foretold of fortunate or unfortunate self-discovery or our main character. With such a quick jump of events. We see the animalistic betrayal one has projected. Was Legosi not allowed to be in tune with his instincts? Is he scared of them? What key components does this mysterious rabbit hold?

You would really eat a classmate? -Tem

Tem scurried around the theater in a trance of survival. Glitches of personifications to animal reactions seesawed with emotional invoking. Tem went from a passive aggressive to “ We are just food meaningful creatures to you carnivores. This insinuated to me that the carnivores in this universe can’t coexist without some fuckery attached. Tem starts to hold his own and fight for his pride. He knew who he was and in a sense, died a martyr. A proud herbivore who’s final moments before being devoured, lived in his truth.

The death of Tem brings a wave of omnious energy to the campus. True trauma and fear, that of the herbivore community, is discussed without boundaries. A segregated stance is unintentionally invoked…. It’s how to navigate now. We still have the prey instincts.. a trigger . The trigger is usually proven to be right. Why do we go against our intuition? Or is it just a trauma response?

As a child who participated in sports, hoodrat shit and nerd based things such as theater, it’s quite ironic. The free world of theater, everyone accepts everyone. The weird kids whom sat at the tree during lunch, the animals who’s missions was to set the status quo. Togetherness and understanding. We should unite. The devouring of Tem caused a rift even in the one safe haven.

Els (goat) in particulate is especially paranoid about the death. She’s makes comments rooted in speciesism. The glow in legoshis eyes, to him walking up on her too quickly, she’s jotted. Legoshi being understanding, still delivers his condolences and empathy. After bearing a gift to els, he refuses an apology from her ignorant comments. He’s … used to it. Is Els right? Can he control his instincts? Who is he truly? I mean, they did automatically think he could be suspect or even a copycat.

Here comes Louis (deer) . Louis is the kind of guy who’s a straight forward asshole. He speaks nothing but facts though. He’s just very condescending.

Haru (the little rabbit) is bullied by some pick me’s. Jealousy and hostility has brewed against Haru due to her small stature. They also are mad at her due their boyfriends wanting to deal with her in romantic/intimate ways. Haru advocates for herself well, even if she still feels lonely. Being ostracized, Haru levels in her strength. She shared her vulnerability.

You always act like an herbivore, but you have some ferocity within you- Louis

First signs of Legosi hitting official puberty. Blocking a punch intended for Louis, it’s sparks curiosity. A carnivore protecting a herbivore from another carnivore … especially with this current rip between unity? With the awareness of Louis , he notices the cracked shell of Legosi. Louis makes comments to push legosi’s limits.

Louis uses people for his cause. He sees a pro in the character development of Legosi. If you haven’t read the manga, double edge Louis foreshadows the devouring of his own leg by the hands of legoshi. He already knew, in a wave of temptation, Legosi would salivate.

Haru feels fetishized. Due to her small size, males want to protect as if she’s Prey. They play on the helpful , nice guy role but mostly just want to have sex with her. She doesn’t want to be left out in the dust when she doesn’t fit a fantasy they created for her.

Legosi smells a scent of prey . He’s also engulfed by the sweet aroma of pheromones. This series interests me because it play on animal instincts. Love and lust. Predator and prey. I think we will explore these themes further along the way.

I related to Haru in terms of , even while in depressive states, you try to keep your head above water. Even when you feel worthless, you fight for who you wish to be . Naturally, your body wants to survive, even if the mind is fleeting.

These are just thoughts and key points form my own understanding. The questions I bare . And I’m Not necessarily looking for answers.

Episode 2

I don’t want to wake up. I didn’t even sleep a wink though. I just want to be a shell – Legoshi

Blood sends droplets like a rippling effect. I guess a metaphor for a chain of events coming . The domino effect. What could be manifesting?

His mood seems darker today -Jack

Legoshi has to literally be dragged out of bed. His best friend notices something is entirely off about his aura that day. That’s dope he has a friend who can see a change in events just by a simple stand in the mirror.

This sounds, is it mine? Yours? She feels so warm and small. She moves around a lot and he breath is making my arm wet. Under her clothes, under her soft fur… STOP! Uhh what should I do?

Let me just say, how his big ass caressing this small rabbit is rape-y as hell. I’m laughing because I know this is a predator/prey situation but this is how humans act in sexual assaults. It’s in a sense a predator/prey feel when it comes to rape and rape culture. A power thing.

His instincts become personified. The devil on the shoulder comes. Temptation or instincts? Why now and how does one navigate through the problem when no one wants to talk about it? How can you deny instincts .. I mean they are animals going against the laws of nature. How do you suppress what your body longs for?

Yeah, Legosi triggering me with that I’ll eat you.

It took the surprise name call for Legosi to not succumb to his instincts. As he let the rabbit go, her pheromones and scent trailed behind her. This flashback grape him.

Louis becomes injured. Although he presents this hardshell, he genuinely cares about others.. well, when their proximity is in close regard for his cause. He does sacrifice himself.

Louis thanks Legosi for being the look out and make sure he was okay as well. Legosi lies about his experience.

Legosi goes into the bathroom to gather himself. Ashamed of what has passed, he sees the instincts demon in the mirror. He ouches the manifestation. This is showing irrationality. Instincts kick in, he’s tormented.

I find it quite hilarious and amusing that they have these sharp tooth animals on vegetarian diet. Now that I see they have supplements for the carnivores, I wonder do they have resources for those who succumb to their instincts? Or is it just follow the law because you know this is taboo even though this is your nature? How selfish. Where’s the assistance with those accommodations?

Legosi is in constant disassociation. He’s having feelings of uncertainty and even post traumatic stress. He can’t even touch anything soft.

Two male carnivores get into a scuffle . This shifts into legosi’s fight, flight, freeze mode. This leads to the flashback of the rabbit encounter. Legosi’s outburst puzzles those around him.

One of the males of the scuffle confronts Legosi wanting to fight as well. Legosi doesn’t wan to fight because not only is he having mental issues and conflicting morality, he’s knowing he out ranks his opponent. His animalistic phenotype reigns superior.

Louis comes to the rescue.

Personality doesn’t always match power- Louis

A mocking tone associated with the goal of Louis wanting to become the Beastar. A Beastar is a martyr. They unite beings. They transcend discrimination and fear of this world as a hero. The jealousy was highlighted.

Louis knew Legosi was holding back. Louis’s ass be peeping. A mastermind. He also noticed that Legosi won’t Be able to hold onto his reserve much longer. He mentioned you’re more of a wolf than I thought. This made me get a sense of “ Wolf in sheep’s clothing.” Indulge in your nature. Only then can you learn how to control it.

Harris is just the cutest on her I.D.

The plays looks like a movie. Okayyyyy animal Shakespeare. Adler has symbolism. Louis insist because an herbivore is plying Adler, they shouldn’t hold back. Let out your instincts.

Legosi remembered his friend Tem as they find his costume. Conflicted on not having open dialogue about the incident. He understands what Louis was speaking on in terms of his portrayal of Adler . Due to the circumstances of prior events. The symbolism hits closer to home. Louis is hell bent on protesting Adler even though we see him falling to pieces physically. Louis doesn’t give up and he wants a certain tone to be his projection.

Legosi once again disassociating, has been elected to get flowers from the gardening club for the play. As he approaches the gardening club’s door, he’s met by the scent of the little rabbit.

He calls the the beautiful and inviting garden (including Haru) the Devil’s garden. He doesn’t want the opportunity to be tempted again or .. worse.

I was going to devour you, I don’t have a right to be scared of you or even talk to you. -Legosi

Haru thinks the ant eater was scared of her due to rumors. She expects Legosi to feel the same. He’s questioning her approach due to not only trying to eat her . But he’s a big wolf.

Haru tucks Legosi’s tail into his suspenders.

Haría finds similarity with the plants. They are both fragile , dependent things. They require love, care and security.

Legosi asks about her arm (He ripped it up) and haru claims she does not remember.

Here Legosi goes being creepy on his prey … I mean shorty.

He wants to stay and talk more but he doesn’t know how to talk to girls. Stammering over his words a and what not.

Haru starts closing the blinds, unbuttoning her shirt and mentions she’s never been with a carnivore. Making note that she’s not usually up for it after tending to her plants.

Legosi is so consumed with his self-loathing he’s not comprehending what’s about to happen. When Haur asks if Legosi has been with a small animal, he gets flabbergasted.

She walks up seductive in her underwear.

You can be rough, I can handle it . I think it’ll be fun- Haru

Legosi chokes up with confusion.

Episode 3

The episode starts off with some lame herbivores spilling the beans about cheating on his girlfriend with Haru. A bunch of weirdos trying to one up each other over sleeping with Haru. They make mentions of how she’s just as predatory as a carnivore. They have a succubus type of imagery of her. It’s purely a reflection and a projection of them using her for her sexuality .. shifting the blame .. typical

“There must be more males who fell prey. Prey? She’s just a rabbit”

For some reason all I could think of was BBD x Poison during this dialogue.

We see the conversation was a flashback and the aardvark is in denial that a wolf and could fornicate. They be doubting my boy Legosi lol. In all honesty, that is a weird mix of partnering . I could understand their prospective.

Haru is in this shed molesting Legosi. He’s all tongue tied and nervous. Not only is he a virgin, he just tried to eat her ass – and we aren’t talking about a rim job. He’s confused because he doesn’t know the rumors of Haru. Legosi wasn’t looking for sex from Haru . She misconstrued the intent. I as well fall victim of the intent and true nature of certain individuals.

This man clumsy, shutting his tail on the door. I CACKLED !

He was seduced and all he does is cover me up – Haru

Haru is conflicted of the fact Legosi didn’t want her for sex.

I particularly don’t like how the anteater left Legosi as an experiment. He wanted to get some tea on what would happen. Then after a failed experiment, he wants to say Haru is trouble. Fun fact , he doesn’t even know her or interacted with her. Lesson to be learned , keep your mouth off of people.

Even as the Anteater goes on, Legosi only acknowledges how conversation with Haru Aboit her plant babies. I love how he defends her.

Legosi self-reflects on Haru’s image portrayal. He calls the betas narrow minded as she can’t be described with one word. He also mentions he has biases since he tried to devour her.

Louis comes in with a powerful message about co-existing and co-prosperity. The symbolism again with the drama club. Exposing life for what it really is.

Legosi is asked would he consider being apart of the actors guild. Only those who have experienced hardship can join. The strong shows philosophy of life. Pain builds beauty and resilience – but let’s not romanticize darkness.

We come into the know of Louis struggles. Though as posh as he is , he too is having a physical earth experience.

Louis the heartthrob – makes the girls go woot woot

Louis has been over exerting himself with the play practice and training. He has to confront his insecurities of being biologically designed to be a prey.

Louis makes comments about legoshi taking with his hands, making him stammer … calling Legosi our on his projections.

Why don’t you take the responsibility for who you are -Louis

If you can’t hide who you are completely, then you should be exactly who you are..

Louis spews at legoshi. Louis doesn’t want to be seen as just another weak herbivore. He carried himself in strength and dignity.

Legosi mentions that he knows he’s strong. He’s a wolf and can end most with a single bite. But strong isn’t just physical. Strength is perseverance. Louis is prideful even when given praises by a carnivore.

Legoshi is starting to feel like a male outside of his biological hierarchy. He’s more than just a carnivore. His identity lies outside of being a wolf.

Louis be giving those Optimus Prime ass pep talks. Louis has everyone as pawns, he has his own personal battle – it’s More than a play.

Louis over exerts himself during his performance. He goes out to live out his philosophy. This is a life and death game of ego.

Holly Syntax
23 min
7 cards

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