Born into heaven Ella Grace

You have dreams, hopes and plans when you fall pregnant with your child.

You never think that anything would take away those cherished hopes and dreams.

But if there is any lesson our daughter taught us in the short time she was with us, LIFE IS A BLESSING and you should never take it for granted.

Today was the day she was suppose to come home with us. Today we celebrate our daughter, our very own guardian Angel and honour the love that remains.

For you Princess ❤️

I’m so very proud to be a mother to an Angel most especially because she chose me.

I recall the day I found out and the feeling of utter elation and wonderment knowing I was going to be a Mom that cold June morning.

I couldn’t wait to share my joy with my best friend, highschool sweetheart and my life partner. He too, couldn’t believe it…he needed to hear her heartbeat to believe it (which we did two days later). I was eight weeks pregnant when I found out.

I was so happy and prepared myself for the greatest adventure I’ve ever known.

Being Ella’s Mom was my life’s purpose…you couldn’t get me up to run even if you paid me. Or watch what I eat because I loved my food but for Ella…I did just that. Waking up at the crack of dawn to walk with her Daddy, limiting my sugar intake and watching my diet…strictly. I never once complained…well ok, maybe once or twice but Ella always won over.

All wanted was to make sure my little Princess was growing well and healthy.

I was always anxious whenever we had an ultrasound but all was well — she was growing so beautifully.

Toni Grace De Guzman

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