Butterflies and Nonsense

Disclaimer: The following blurbs are purely the manifestation of thoughts fluttering through my mind. There is no intent to offend. Trigger Warnings.

Day 1: Her Choices

It’s 9:30, the alarm rings, and I debate whether or not it’s worth skipping class today, knowing full well the consequences if I do. I haul myself out of bed, go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, put on my contacts, and then head back to my room to pick out today’s outfit while silently keeping track of the minutes.

“One hour, 30 minutes left”

I stare at my closet, neatly split in two by a heavy wooden door. On the right, a variety of color, class, and elegance, and on the left, t-shirts and hoodies, lots and lots of hoodies.

I grabbed a random hoodie and shirt…

“One hour, 20 minutes to spare.”

I wonder where my keys are… and my wallet… do I need my laptop today?

“45 minutes til’ class”

Dang it.

Annie Kung
1 min
4 cards

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