Galaxy Survivors

Chapter One

Book One: The New Adventure.

Today was a very exciting day. At least for Andrew Richards. Is it every day that you get a distress call? What about from another planet? This was just putting it in very mild terms, though. The reality was much scarier.

It all happened one day when Andrew was doing some launch reports. Everything was supposed to be well, everything was supposed to run smoothly.

But it just didn’t.

His computer, all of a sudden went blank. Everything shut off. What had happened? Andrew didn’t know. He was just mystified.

Before he knew it; his display came back on again. The lights flickered and blinked. Andrew just shrugged his shoulders and went back to work. But it didn’t seem like his program at all. No launch reports were on his screen.

There was just a message.

It looked like a distress call. But could it really be?

Andrew thought mistakes could never happen in a place like NASA. It was 2048. Technology was increasing from day to day. It was the leap of the century. The new world order. So why was this happening? Why was he getting this?

To have something as mixed up as this, was like accidentally falling down the triple towers, and surviving.

And the triple towers prevented things like that from happening, after all, it was the three biggest towers in the whole North America.

Andrew was the technological developer. Messages and help requests weren’t in his league. He shouldn’t be getting some sort of distress call. If everything was well and smooth, he really should have nothing to do with this.

He just stood there, flabbergasted, but he couldn’t just stay frozen like that. He had work to do.

So what now? First thing was first, he had to do something about this.

But what?

At a time like this, Andrew wasn’t really sure what to do. Should he call the police or his boss? He had been working at NASA for 25 years. For all his years of creating, and messing with technology, he had never got distress calls. Ever.

It made perfect sense. Why would he? Who even sent distress calls to NASA? If somebody wanted help, they would contact the nearest police or army. So what did NASA have to do with this?

Yes, it was true that every once in a while, NASA needed to help with some things. Like helping one of their fellow workers on some type of mix up with the building of a spaceship, or helping to fix a space base, that got hit by an asteroid in the middle of Mars. But those times were rare.

Andrew remembered those times. It was scary, yes, but it was kind of funny to look back at the times when those types of mistakes happened. It just went to show that nothing was invincible.

As Andrew was trying to contemplate on all these thoughts. Nothing seemed to come out of it. His mind was so full from the shock, it had hardly any room left for an explanation.

Why would somebody want his help anyway? He wasn’t NASA’s only technological expert. There were hundreds of them. All over NASA and the world. Why would somebody ask a nothing like Andrew Richards for help?

He was high ranking. That was true. The right-hand man of his boss. But if somebody would send distress calls, or maybe even hacks, why would they call him?

The only person who would ask Andrew for help was his boss. But he would only do it if he wanted him to fix a certain part in a spaceship, or a piece of technology. Yet, other than that, nobody else really begged him for help. At least not that he could remember anyway.

Come to think of it, it was sort of amusing for Andrew. Most likely this was just a big misunderstanding.

Maybe somebody had been slacking off when they were sending that message? In that case, that would mean it was meant for somebody else. Still, this never happened to other people either.

Then Andrew just took the more logical approach. It was rare, but everybody was able to make mistakes.

Andrew made a point to tell his boss after this episode was finished with. He didn’t understand why anybody would care to do this though, but then here it was, staring at him straight in the face.

The facts were true. There was no point in trying to come to conclusions; he should face the issue head on.

He checked the screen to see what it said. He never checked it out yet. All this time, he was just assuming.

Andrew continued on that train of thought. He started to think of possible suspects. Who would want to send this message?

The first thing that came to Andrew’s head was one word. Teenagers

Teenagers were always doing this type of thing. Technology became more and more powerful as the days went on, but it also had a lot of weak spots and opportunity for hackers. Mainly, people that were bored out of their minds, and wanted to have some “fun.”

They could hack almost anything. Technically, anybody could nowadays. But if they did that, of course, somebody would figure out that something was fishy, and stop them. Still, they always did it. Each time with a new trick up their sleeve.

It was quite clever how they did it. Andrew just really wished and hoped they would use their brains for good things. It could be very useful, especially if somebody like that worked at NASA.

That was the thing. People at NASA were also really smart. Developing computers to withstand all the hackers new schemes was their specialty.

But still, even hacking a NASA computer wasn’t so unrealistic. Hackers came up with new ideas every day.

Andrew remembered back in 2020 when some terrorists hacked them, and sent a message to one of the NASA computers, saying that they would bomb NASA. Of course, nobody believed them, and it never happened. But these type of things could still be possible.

It is amazing to see what some people can do.

But then, of course, this was just wasting his time. Andrew could be using his time wisely. He could be doing things like testing launch reports. Well, it wasn’t the most enjoyable thing to do, but it was better than looking at prank messages.

Let’s just see what they came up with, Andrew thought. All these messages were wasting his time. But it would be interesting to see what nonsense they had to say for themselves.

As he peered closer, suddenly, the screen went blank. Andrew could hear the fan in the computer go off. All the beeping, and lights at his touch keyboard seemed to flicker, and lose power.

His computer had shut down. Again.

So now what? He thought. This had never happened to him. The whole processing system at NASA made it so that this should not happen. The backups were supposed to go on automatically. But they didn’t.

Keep it calm Andrew. Wait a few seconds. Andrew did. Three seconds later it still did not go on. He waited ten more seconds. Still nothing. It’s not going to go on, thought Andrew.

So now, he tried turning it on with his fingerprint scanner. He knew it was useless though.

And he was correct.

It was like he was just touching a piece of plastic, all it was basically made out of.

So now that he tried everything, only one thought was going through Andrews head: My boss is going to kill me.

He had two things on his mind now. The first thing was that supposed “distress call.” The second, was his computer crashing on him.

Were the two things connected? If it was hackers … then who knows? They may have just sent a virus in.

But if it really was a real distress call, then what did this have to do with his computer shutting down?

Andrew was just about to sigh in frustration. But he still had some hope; the screen turned blue, and then came some beeps from his keyboard. Andrew gasped. That meant something, the computer was going back on again. Just one question. Why?

If this had happened a few minutes ago, Andrew would have thought those were the backups coming to life. But too long had passed for that. This was something else.

But what?

Was this related to the hackers? Could they really be this powerful? Andrew shuddered. If hackers this powerful were attacking NASA, they could probably take the whole building down, without breaking a sweat.

But then if this had to do with hackers, he should probably see the message, or distress call, or whatever they sent immediately. Then after this, he’ll just tell his boss about everything.

Then he stopped short. As he was examining the message, he found that it was not just any message. It was in a different language. Usually, it was supposed to be translated before the computer even showed the message. The fact that it couldn’t translate it meant that it was not even a language spoken on Earth.

Interesting. Andrew checked to see if there were any patterns in the language. This would show if the language was just made up. Or not.

A blue light shone around the border of the screen.


Interesting. This seemed to be like a real language. He should tell his boss about this right away. Something was up.

But then Andrew got a little tingling feeling. There was one more thing in his power that he could still do. He knew he shouldn’t though, but something made him suspicious … he checked the location.

How he regretted that.

This is what got him into this whole mess. Was it a good one or a bad one?

Whatever it was, it was getting dangerous. He had to help them, though. There was a world in peril, and he could not do a thing about it.

Instead, he was here in a hospital, with nothing else to do but hope everybody on that planet was okay. Today was an exciting day for Andrew Richards, perhaps too exciting.

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Buy the Galaxy Survivors book. Carry Andrew and Luther’s adventures around wherever you go!

Chapter Two

Book One: The New Adventure

How he longed to get out of this place. Who was it that crashed into him anyway? Why was he trying to attack innocent citizens? So many questions. Andrew hoped that he would get some answers soon.

So what should he do now? The more he tried to remember what had happened before, the more he remembered. So he tried to retrace his footsteps some more…

He could remember the message now, how he checked the location, yes, it was clearer now. The message was not from Earth. It was from another planet, not even in the solar system. The location was in Nytra. Nytra. Memories flooded Andrew. This was a planet that NASA had discovered a bunch of years back.

Nytra, at least that was what NASA had named the new planet, on October 22nd, 2023, it was a planet that was full of sand, it also looked like there could be life there. So NASA got excited and started their research.

That was where Andrew came into the picture. He was always doing research on better spaceships, and gadgets for NASA, but on May 31st, 2025 he was told to help build a satellite that would get close enough to Nytra to take pictures of it.

Andrew was excited. This was the time that he was waiting for. Now, he could finally prove himself.

If he built the spaceship, then he would be able to get into a high position in NASA. So he got to work.

Andrew remembered that day. The spaceship was supposed to be ready by 2035. He worked hard on it. And when it was finally finished, he remembered the satisfaction.

So the big day came, in October 20th, 2035, the satellite, called Investigator I, was sent up and came to its destination by January 26th, 2037.

That was when the big hit came in. Once the spaceship got to Nytra, they discovered that there was life there. They had saw plants and other living things on the planet.

So NASA got excited and started making an expedition to send humans to Nytra. So in 2040, Andrews boss was assigned to start working on a project to send humans there.

Andrew got promoted by NASA, and the task to built this spaceship, called Explorer I. Was up to him.

Soon Andrew’s team scored another victory by finishing the new spaceship, last week on June 25th, 2047.

At that time, Andrew thought that it was the greatest thing. But today he saw that it was all useless. The message proved it all:

Help, help! We are warning you to not proceed to do the task, do not launch! We have our reasons, there has been a huge war for twenty years in this system. If you do not want this organization to be caught up in it do not launch!


Sent from Nuila.

He remembered how it was written in a language that was not a native of Earth. So he didn’t remember how he got it translated. How did this happen? Everything was so confusing now, what exactly happened with the whole message? He tried to push his brain to remember even more. Then he got the answer.

Whoever sent the message must’ve realized that they wouldn’t understand it in the language they wrote it. So they sent two messages, one in their language, and one in a language that people on Earth could understand. So that’s how he got the translation, but he did something after that. What was it? Ah. Here it was.

NASA got ahold of the message and assumed it was a fake, the problem was they didn’t detect any hacks in the system. As far as an assumption, there was no proof anybody messed around with them.

He remembered being called over by his boss for questioning. Maybe because they thought he was involved in the “hacking prank” as they called it, or maybe because they thought that it was his responsibility of some sort. Either way, his boss asked him what he thought of the message.

He remembered saying that he thought it was real, and they should look into it at the very least. That answer was taken lightly. So he pointed out that the message was written in an unidentified language, why would somebody do that if they were trying to mess around with NASA?

“That has nothing to do with it Richards, they could’ve easily made up a language.”

“Yes, but then they would have to put a lot of thought into it. It was detected as some sort of language, and it didn’t have patterns or anything of that sort.”

“True, it could have been thought out very well.” His boss agreed. “Just some tricks, we’ll find out the real location, once we detect a hack.”

That was the end of that. But Andrew knew that this wasn’t fake, this was real. This planet, Nytra, which was according to the message, called Nuila. Was in peril, they needed help. If nobody could believe it, he did. And he also knew somebody else that will too…

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Buy the Galaxy Survivors book. Carry Andrew and Luther’s adventures around wherever you go!

Chapter Three

Luther Longhawk. A trained army general, and an unusual friend. Who else would believe him, though? Andrew and Luther had found each other twenty years ago, for an unusual reason. He remembered the day clearly.

It was the time when NASA had rose to its peak. December 22nd, 2027, the legendary year for NASA. It was that year, when the new spaceship, Orion, was sent up with 2,025 humans to Mars. It was a huge victory.

Among the thousands of people at Kennedy Space Center, the biggest and most honored people at the event were the US Navy Seals. General Luther had just been promoted to his position. He came to the event because he wanted to give his honors to Rick Blue, Andrew’s old boss.

“This amazing event would never come true if it wasn’t for the determination of all of mankind,” he began. It was a moving moment. Luther continued on saying how this would shake the world. “History is happening before your very eyes. Before all of our eyes,” he said to the crowd. “Just wait and see.”

As Luther was speaking, Andrew took the time to scan around the Orion. It was a beauty. He went closer to examine it. Yes, everything was good. Perfect. “What’s the status of the Orion?” He asked one of his team members who was checking the controls of the spacecraft.

“Everything is good, launching in one hour.”

“Amazing, just amazing,” he marveled to his client.


Despite this, Andrew still had a twitching feeling. Something seemed to be wrong with the Orion. Despite what his client, and the NASA computers, and what even his own eyes confirmed. Something was wrong. His senses told him so.

He looked at the spacecraft one more time, even longer than before. Then he saw it. A small silver object was glowing at the side of the Orion. What’s that? He thought. Andrew slowly proceeded with caution to check the object.

Once he got his eyes on it, he examined the object thoroughly. It was a small silver ball, that was stuck to the side of the spacecraft.

What on earth? This was not supposed to be here. Then he froze. It was ticking.

“Bomb!” Andrew shouted as he ran back. He had no idea when it was going to blow.

The general stopped speaking. He lifted three fingers up in the air, and five hidden Seals came out from their hiding places. “Where is it?” asked Luther. Andrew didn’t need to point, the general had an eye like a hawk, and he saw it as soon as he looked at the spacecraft. “I should’ve looked more closely at the Orion,” he murmured.

In no time, the Seals did their job in disarming the bomb. “Thank you,” Luther said after everybody settled down. Then he turned back to the crowd. “Today not only have we made a leap in mankind, but we also saved mankind.” He said half joking and half serious.

Andrew remembered the launch going as planned, and the humans were sent to Mars. Ever since the launch, though, Luther admired the fact that Andrew had saved the Mars mission. A warm friendship sprouted between them, that grew every passing day.

However, a little over three months ago, Luther had retired from the Navy Seals. So he had more time on his hands, especially with figuring out hacks and messages.

If Andrew could tell him about this message, that would be great. In any case, he was probably the only person who would believe him.

That’s exactly what he did. After his work at NASA, he went into his car and holo-called him on his watch.

“Hey, Richards. What news do you have for me today?” Luther said curiously.

“Stop it, this is important.”

“Important? NASA stuff?”

“Sort of, more like dangerous,” he said, gritting his teeth. Luther narrowed his eyes, that was his way of telling him he wanted to know about this immediately.

So Andrew told him the whole story, and in the end felt much better.

“Ok, meet me tomorrow?” Said Luther.

“Now,” Andrew said fast, this was serious.

“Ok, ASAP.”



Andrew smiled and pressed a button to end the call. Then his car turned onto the highway. “Car,” he told his Google car.

“Yes, sir?” It answered.

“Go to Luther.”

“Yes, sir.” Simple as that.

But what wasn’t so simple was what happened next: He saw a window open, that was not so bad. Then the person stuck his hand out, he was holding something. A gun.

BANG! Gunfire. SMASH! Everything went black.

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