30 Day Writing Challenge January 2019

Day 01

What is the value of travelling?

The weirdness that is Coober Pedy, South Australia (Photo credit: Sarah Healy)

‘’You are so brave’’

Yet, I know I am not alone. I have met many women travelling alone. It is a popular trend, particularly among Europeans, Australians and Americans.

Recently I was lucky to travel to West Java, Indonesia. Here in the remote town of Cianjur, many locals I met were shocked that I came alone.

You come alone? Wow, you are brave

I really struggled with this aspect of the culture. I am used to travelling pretty much wherever I please. To constantly be shepherds to and fro would drive me slowly insane.

Also family is very much the cornerstone of their culture. To travel so far away from my family and friends to them was brave but also perhaps peculiar.

Culturally I am encouraged to explore the world as much as I can and learn from different cultures. While in Cianjur they warmly welcome foreign visitor as it is a way for them to experience culture from far away lands that otherwise they may not ever experience.

My time here encouraged me to reflect on the way in which I travel and view it through a different lens. The way I explore is extremely indulgent and selfish. I am very much focused on enjoying the present. This has been important to establish a better sense of self and figure out the direction I wish to take my life. Not everyone is entitled to such a luxury.

Herein lies the value I find in travel.

oh the things I have seen while on the road (Photo credit: Sarah Healy)

I can take an extended period of time to really learn about myself while at the same time being immersed in new cultures. I have been lucky to make new friends from around the world who view the world from a very different perspective.

The conversations I have on the road have forced me to think more deeply about what I see and experience. It has also sparked me to ask better questions.

I am learning life lessons.

I have learned my ability to travel is a privilege.

I am grateful to have such a privilege and can feel the value it has added to my life.

Thank you to all my friends who I have met on the road, and I hope to keep meeting more friends who challenge me and continue to add value to my life.

Day 02

Why I must constantly battle my ego

Ego: 1 Sarah: 0
This is a pretty concise summary of today’s events.

The mere description suggests that day would not end well. When a 31-year-old is unleashed in a playground designed for children it is inevitably a recipe for disaster.

I concede that I do tend to get over excited when I am let loose in playground or children play areas. It is as if I conserve all my overzealous energy for such events. I do firmly believe that there is a five-year-old operating my brain controls.

What actually happened?

I got a bit too into my bouncing. I began to push the parameters of my bouncing capabilities.

Then the really dangerous thing happened. I began to start showing off. My ego began to reveal itself, so too did my competitive nature. It always makes unveils itself when I am pitted against my older brother regardless of how old we get.

I began bouncing between high box jumps. A mistimed bounce saw me slam hard into a metal garage door and not the padded wall that was directly next to it.

My shoulder took the full force of the hit, while my head slammed against the door in a secondary motion.

The shock was immediate. The pain while searing was dulled by the sheer mortifying shame of it all. The thud drew concerned looks from the staff and loud guffaws from my family.

It really hurt.

I shrugged it off as shame set in. I continued to bounce and tried to shake off the embarrassment and the pain. However, a look in the bathroom mirror revealed the extent of my head injury. I looked like I had been scalped.

What lesson did I learn

I was ashamed, not because I had done something stupid. More so because my ego that I thought I had a firm grip on had once again caused me pain. This time severe physical pain.

My ego is most predominant in areas where I get to show my physical capabilities. I often wonder if I have an unusual amount of testosterone pumping through my body or if it is a side effect of growing up with three competitive brothers.

Next time I feel my ego begin to show off I will think back to the pain I feel this evening

Now is the time for some self-pity and perhaps some tea. Being Irish tea is the magical elixir which fixes all qualms.

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Sarah Healy
10 min
10 cards

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